Vergil DLC is roughly the price of a Single, which means yes, you get a free character alongside your purchase of Bury The Light.

Manages to make an audiobook a compelling videogame. Fucking killer soundtrack and voice acting. Somehow got the best ending on first playthrough and I'm too terrified of failing skill checks to do another playthrough. Had to take a few breaks because trying to squint at huge blocks of exposition hurt my head lol. One of the most important games out there. R.I.P. Roger Ebert you would've loved Disco Elysium

Liked both campaign and multiplayer a lot at launch, but once the honeymoon phase ended I realised the huge flaws in both. Came back to multiplayer for a bit in Season 3, but I don't know if I can hold out hope for 343i Halo anymore. Still the best game the company has ever made (apart from MCC *8* years after launch) which is a little sad.

Overall the scariest Resident Evil, although I'm not the biggest fan of the combat as you get 3 nerf pellets to get through a room with 4 enemies

Best DLC selection in the series though, even if the final boss of End Of Zoe sucks

A lot of fun and quite scary. One of those games that really motivates you to play it multiple times to get the different paths and endings. When you don't know how Mr. X works, it feels like he defies the laws of nature to sucker punch me even though I swore enemies couldn't enter this room and oh god-

Had my jaw firmly on the flaw on average once every 2 hours, the game kept one-upping itself in surprises until the exact moment the credits started. Also a pretty fun card game I won't lie

Despite the jankiness, these are two classic games, Colossus especially being such a unique experience.

Played this on a friend's VR system and I wish I had the time to play the entire game. The combat and horror are elevated tenfold, taking a masterpiece game even better somehow.

First game I played with one of my friends, and the reason I upgraded from a 360 to an Xbox One. 5 years later, I beat the entire DLC with that same friend in one sitting, went home, bought it for myself, and got all achievements. Safe to say this is an amazing game, not just from an art standpoint, but a (mostly) fair and enjoyable challenge.

I suck at this game, I recognise it's good but it's not really for me. Instead, I nominate this review in honour of my friend who got Dead God after 500 hours

I know you need patience for rougelikes but this is yet to grab me

10 hours in and I still feel like I've barely started this game

Came for the "nanomachines, son!" stayed for the "your memes...are over!"

As a chronically online person, it can be quite fascinating to see certain games get a second resurgence. Senator Armstrong memes had been floating around for years, then all of a sudden Max0r makes a video on the game and everything about it goes completely viral. Next thing you know every character, funny scene, song and bossfight has been memed to death. Jestream Sam Bait and Switch, Armstrong Max0r dub, Red Sun, Monsoon, etc, etc.

Metal Gear Rising is a rare piece of media that has achieved what I'm coining "Peak Meme Status", where every single detail is picked apart and stripped into its own separate meme format or topic. Another example of PMS would be Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul, where basically every character death or important scene in the show became its own meme format for a month or more. I think it's a really fascinating aspect of Internet/Meme culture that isn't talked about. It's turned a spinoff of Metal Gear into something that feels like a completely separate entity to the rest of the franchise; the other games having a mostly homogenous appearance on the internet.

That makes talking about MGR unique because it feels like half the people who are fans of this game have never touched another Metal Gear, and the other half are fans who have never actually played this game.

All this being said, it's still a pretty entertaining and fun videogame, albeit not the best hack-and-slash or Metal Gear. The game becomes a lot more fun once you actually figure out how to parry; the game doesn't word it's tutorial very clearly so it wasn't until R-04 that I actually searched up how to do it (yes, I beat Monsoon without knowing how to parry, I am a psychopath). The bossfights are definitely the highlight, because they use the combat system in the most interesting way as well as having the iconic music and characters.


Awesome rougelike, the narrative and progression is a good way to keep you engaged through the grind, although unfortunately this means my motivation left once I was done with the epilogue. Maybe one day I'll try to get the remaining achievements.