Was not expecting to like this as much as I did. A definite classic.

Objectively this game is amazing in all aspects, but from a personal perspective dear god this is the most frustrating game I've ever played. I had to use a stress ball to get through some parts because they were so hard.

The amount of trauma videogame characters called Isaac go through is insane

Decided I wanted to play the series in order despite Automata being the more acclaimed one. Bad decision because I found this game very slow and not sure if I like it.


Portal if its puzzles were designed by the narrator from The Stanley Parable

On the backlog for 4 whole years. while I enjoyed it, I still feel like I'm missing the appeal. Might go back once Silksong releases (aka the Heat Death of the Universe)

Was on the backlog for like 2 years. Not a big fan of Metroidvanias but pretty alright

Enjoyable the first time and the setting is definitely the highlight, but Jesus Christ please let us skip cutscenes Rockstar. Also the ending was pretty disappointing

Every hour this game throws an insane action set piece at you and honestly I think that's awesome

Not a big Metroidvania fan but this was pretty good

Every 2 years I pick up this game again, get a game over on an Act 2, get mad and put the game down

How do you improve the Stanley Parable? By basically doubling the content

Currently going for the "go outside" achievement legitimately