Once again an improvement on the original game with so many extra options that make it an absolute joke if you decide to use them all. The difficulty is kind of all over the place, if you use everything on offer its really easy and if you don't its almost unfairly hard. The ranking system is once again very insubstantial with the moves being awarded in no way making up for the loss of on the fly powerups and upgrades. The amount of time it'll take you to memorize the stages to the point of keeping the A rank average up is too much especially with no easy way to replay stages once you've beaten them. If you get a really bad score one time that basically fucks your average for the rest of the playthrough with no way to undo it besides reloading a save. Really just not worth bothering with it at all. I'll give them credit for letting you use a couple of cyber elves without losing any points but you still need perfection regardless to keep your A rank status so just use as many as you feel like.

A decent time thanks to some of the problems of the original game getting ironed out. You barely have to interact with some of the mechanics though because of how short the game is and the moves you unlock by getting A ranks are so insubstantial (who even uses the buster that much) that you can ignore them entirely. Forms as well are just a weirdly implemented idea, you aren't getting more than a few without a guide. I had fun spamming cyber elves and using Zero's movement to speed through the game but it didn't leave much of an impression otherwise. Great music though.

This game has less content than almost every Mega Man game that came out before it whilst also expecting you to mindlessly grind for upgrades instead of just finding them. Feels rushed and it probably was.

Good but tedious. It tends feels more like a puzzle game than a collectathon; figuring out just how to get through the game is far from simple and while it can be fun to put it all together the steps necessary for getting some jiggies feels excessive. This is especially egregious alongside the need to repeatedly swap characters for somewhat arbitrary reasons (though nowhere near as bad as DK64). Dunno if I'll go back to this one, I'm good just doing the final boss for now.

Enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. Could genuinely see myself playing it again some day.

X6 is absolutely the worst Mega Man game I've played. Unfortunately the mod does very little to make X6 more than the miserable experience it was on release. The level design and enemy placement, the key issues with the original, are basically identical and will still drive anyone mad if they try to play normally. The mod mostly just makes it so you can't give yourself a dead game playing as X and makes soul grinding less tedious but there isn't anything more significant than that I feel.

Great game, could not explain the story if you put a gun to my head. Its a tad too confusing and interpretive for my tastes but I dig the world they build here lot. The inventory limit can add a lot of good tension and strategy early game it peters out hard later on when you have so many different guns and absolutely no way to carry more than a couple (with their ammo) and progress at the same time. I just never brought healing items out of the box because I was almost always full up on stuff. This isn't too much of an issue mind, you can dodge and slip past enemies easily enough but I had so much ammo by the end that I couldn't find a good place to use. Burning bodies to stop them from getting back up is a great mechanic since it lets you decide what places you want permanently safe to navigate (taken wholesale from RE1 Remake) but its sparsely used I feel. Overall an extremely well-made and intricate survival horror, albeit with some balancing issues.

Very short and simple metroidvania but its fun. Won't be giving others of its kind a run for their money anytime soon but its free so that's not much of an issue. Dunno if making every single enemy no matter how big only deal 1HP to the player was such a smart move. The game is very easy if you start abusing laurels to just tank through everything. Probably makes it a good speedgame though.

A decent time, if a tad all over the place in terms of difficulty. The robot masters are so ridiculously aggressive and every stage miniboss is a Doc Robot...but all of the weapons are super overpowered so you don't end up dealing with their attacks much past the first level you beat. The harassment was indeed unique if nothing else.

Wanted to like it more than I did, I don't even mind the Junction as much as I thought I did. The story and pacing and just the undercooked world in general really bogs the whole experience down. Love how they just use early game enemies all the way up to the end because the level scaling is "definitely" enough to justify it and doesn't make encounters feel repetitive at all. I hope you like fighting the same Galbadian soldiers with the same Draws and the same item drops from the early-game over and over and over. I feel like they even knew when they included an easily accessible way to turn off encounters in the base game, fighting just isn't fun in VIII. You either murder everything in one hit because the scaling broke or you take ages to kill something even while spamming limit breaks because they had no idea how to balance the damage you do late game so encounters will just randomly have ridiculous HP.

The cast is one of the weakest in the series though I fuck with the character designs. Like man when I see the money they put into everything I just get sad that I can't get myself to enjoy the game more. It seems harsh to say its style over substance but I can't find a better way to put it, there's so many FMVs, so much animation on the characters for different scenes (they gave everyone fuckin tap dancing animations for ONE gag I cannot fault them for that) but I cannot get myself to feel invested in anything that happens in this game's world.

Its alright. Phenomenal vibes but not a lot to do overall. Its not mechanically deep in the slightest either. Tons of missed potential and I dunno how much of it was them banking on the sequel or if the game was rushed or both. This game gave us Tron Bonne though and that makes it worth its weight in gold.

If you wanna spend 4 hours killing dinosaurs and buying guns to kill more dinosaurs this is for you. Reminds me a lot of the mercenaries mode in the old RE games, with its points system and combos. Almost no difficulty at all (at least on Normal) so the game is just complete carnage but has very little substance. If it was any longer than four hours I'd probably get sick of it real fast.

Fun enough game. The need to use your environment and block off enemies instead of dodging past listlessly shambling enemies is really interesting. The choice of using tranquilizers to temporarily remove a threat or spending rounds adds to the tension a ton too. When one of the raptors followed me into a room for the first time was genuinely shocked that they were this smart. Sadly the game just gets too repetitive and the amount of backtracking is gets egregious alongside the game's small enemy pool. You can feel the dev team struggling to get the game finished in time with how much reuse there is. If the level design was better and there were more hazards I'd consider it up there with the other PS1 RE games. As it is I wouldn't play it again over them.

I thought I'd hate this game after playing it for the first couple hours. I can't stop playing it. Its so fucking good and will probably get even better with patches. As of now the Rivals being assholes and a few shitty tracks are my only major complaints. Battle mode online should not be slept on either its shockingly addictive. Give it time and you'll probably warm up to it real fast.

Extremely appealing as an island builder and what you can do with your house and your character can't be beat. Dialogue is lacking though, Blathers is the only one I remember having any real sauce. Didn't think I'd miss villagers pranking your ass with scams and unconsented house re-paintings, not a lot of funny surprises like that here.