Sonic R is an on foot racing game released in 1997 for the SEGA Saturn and rereleased for the GameCube on the Sonic Gems Collection.

while a fun little game for what it is I feel like it suffers from two major issues, the controls feel very weird, like when your racing I feel there's a delay between moving around, granted it's only about a second but its still pretty annoying, and the turning feels fucking awful, like if your trying to get a Chaos Emerald and your unfortunate enough to miss it you have to turn yourself to the proper position to get it, it can take a good 3-5 seconds to try and do and get going to the finish line.

controls aside my second issue is the lack of content, granted it was a racing game released in 1997 so I can't really complain considering the time period but it still felt very short, with only 5 tracks (the final one unlocking after you clear the other 4 stages), but I will admit it does have a good amount of characters to choose from, that being 9.

but I will say if you can get used to the controls I'd say what is here can be a very fun time, even if the game itself only lasts for about 2-3 hours at most, and even though the music gets made fun of I like it quite a lot, my favorite Tracks being "Diamonds In The Sky", "Back In Time", and "Living In The City".

the game itself also has two other modes like Time Attack, and a 1 VS 2 Player Mode, but I doubt you'll find anyone willing to play this with you, the modes are in my opinion quite shallow, while Time Attack is a fun little distraction I doubt it will with keep you around.

but with all of my complaints (aside from also being the corner stone of shitty internet horror stories) aside Sonic R was a fun time for me, but it wasn't good enough for me to rate in any higher than a 3.5/5 stars, I'd say half and half is fair, if you play this game be very cautious cause Sonic Gems can fetch high prices now adays, but yeah with that being said Sonic R is in my eyes just a fun little distraction, nothing more nothing less,

while not the best Kart Racer I've played I have to admit I got some kicks out of this game, much like I did it's predecessor NKR2, but the game itself does have some snags, mainly the stuff you might imagine with it being a licensed kids game.

with there just being a slight lack of polish, while not a horrible buggy mess there is stuff I've noticed, like collision being very buggy, and when falling out of bounds (like out of the track for example) it clips through the floor exposing buggy textures and geometry, granted it's gone a second later and your back in the race but I still feel it's necessary to mention.

but me being a Nick Fan I had a lot of fun playing this game, being able to race as characters that I like, like SpongeBob, Danny Phantom and Lincoln Loud, but yeah if you're a Nickelodeon fan and don't mind a slightly downgraded Mario Kart I'd say you should pick this up, but at the same time if you don't care for Nickelodeon, like at all I'd say don't even bother, for would be fans it has characters from far and wide, like Ang, Jimmy Neutron, Zim, the TMNT, among others! also Jojo Siwa (I don't know I thought that was funny).

but all things aside the game itself is a fine/fun romp for what it is but nothing more, and for the love of Jesus if you want this game don't spend $40 on it, either wait for a price drop or just buy it second hand, cause let me tell you, it's a fine game but it is nowhere NEAR worth $40 fucking dollars.

but yeah Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3: Slime Speedway is a fun if just ok racing game, while being able to have a good time with it comes nowhere to the likes of Mario Kart or Sonic Racing, I'd only recommend this to diehard Nickelodeon Fans and nothing more,

Rez Infinite is a very difficult game to describe, it's a very unique experience to say the least, so much so that when I try to talk about it with friends and say what it is my mind becomes a little hazy, and it becomes hard to describe it in a way that they understand, so please excuse me if my recanting of this game isn't clear enough.

I originally got this game when Sony was holding there "Stay At Home" initiative, an event that happened so people could stay home and play some free games due to COVID, while I played the original Rez a couple years before hand in high school when I got my PS4 I never had any intentions of actually buying Infinite, even though I thought it was a neat game.

come the day I could download this and I was blown away, this game in my opinion probably has some of the best incorporation of Rhythm and Musical mechanics in a game that isn't a pure Rhythm game (take any of the Hatsune Miku games for example), most people including myself describe this game as a musical rail shooting game in where you shoot down enemies that are also trying to take you down, and when you shoot enemies down enemies you make your own rhythm to the music, basically think of adding beats and other noises to an already existing background song.

honestly even though this probably doesn't sound like a good Idea I feel it flows together quite nice and hardly ever sounds like gargled crap, the game itself is a very trippy experience, filled with nonsensical imagery, blinding lights through ever changing environments.

that aside the bosses in this game are quite neat, they feel like mini pseudo stages in where bosses try to throw crap at you and you have to shoot them down, eventually getting to the point where you can shoot they're weakness, honestly I think my favorite being the 4th boss, in where you float through a hallway giving chase to the boss itself while it changes forms from a bunch of cubes that can throw missiles at you, to a running man made out said cubes running way from you.

honestly Rez Infinite is such a trippy game that I can't help but love it, even though the game itself is very hard for me to grasp I can tell a lot of love and care went into the final product, from it's visual design, music and the environments, to the extra mode "area X", which is a single level similar to the base game but a bit bigger in comparison to the main game, mainly cause you can fly around at your own pace and freely change direction.

but yeah me jacking this game off aside I thought Rez Infinite was an excellent experience, to the point where I legitimately cannot think of a single thing I disliked about it, if you like Rhythm games I highly recommend giving it a shot!

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in comparison to the previous entries Silent Hill Homecoming is a bland mushy bowl of pulp that is nowhere near as good as games like Silent Hill 2 and 3, hell I'd say in comparison Downpour has more going on than Homecoming.

I think the main reason is because Homecoming just isn't scary, when it comes to the other games I can have an uneasy sense of dread, I imagine cause playing as a (supposed) military solider, but with that being said there was one thing that surprised me, the reveal that Alex was a mental hospital patient instead of a solider, that actually caught me off guard, but when it comes to the rest of the story it's rather unremarkable.

other than one thing, one really shitty thing, the inclusion of Pyramid Head, other wise known as Red Pyramid Thing, why is it shitty you might be asking? well mainly due to the fact that Pyramid Head is supposed to be a monster born of Silent Hill 2 protagonist James Sunderland's guilt and desire for punishment, Pyramid Head was born from James and I find it super shitty that they tried to pander to people with the use of it in stuff that doesn't even involve James, such as this, Silent Hill Book Of Memoires, that shitty Silent Hill Movie (Revelations), to me it comes across as a blatant disregard for the source of where it came from.

that aside I mentioned earlier Homecoming just isn't a fun game to play in terms of wanting a scary and horrific experience, mainly due to the fact that Alex, who I previously stated was a mental ward patient and not a military solider fights as if he was one, being skilled with weapons, being able to swing said weapons in quick succession, able to give an uppercut with them and being able to deal a finishing blow, this pretty much neuters any horror there could have been with this game and drains any tension since he fights like an actual solider, it would have been cool to have been given that backstory but have him be frail from being in a hospital, it could have been an indicator that not everything is as it seems, for Alex as a character anyway.

that aside one thing that actually pissed me off was this particular glitch I came across on my first playthrough, you have to go into a Hotel and travers the place, at one point you need to jump through a hole to get to the next act, but (if I remember correctly) if you fight certain enemies along the way the prompt to jump down just won't appear, essentially locking you from progressing forward, I even had to reset my save file, I mean granted it was near the start of the game but the fact that a game like this with a huge legacy behind it has a glitch like this if fucking disgraceful.

only thing I can say I genuinely like about Homecoming was it's music, "One More Soul To The Call", "Elle Theme" and "Alex's Theme" are really good songs.

but over all Silent Hill Homecoming is an unremarkable game with every game that came before it being better in every single area, go play Silent Hill 1-4 instead of this miserable pile of shit,

while to a certain degree I had my share of enjoyment from Balan Wonderworld the flaws are very apparent, I might as well get the things I liked about it out of the way, the music, visual art style, the character design, literally anything that isn't gameplay is actually quite good.

it reminds me of the 1996 SEGA Saturn classic NiGHTS Into Dreams and this was one of the reasons I picked it up to begin with, the style of everything actually has a lot of charm to it and I found it super lovely, but with gameplay in mind it's very bland to say the least, you go through stages and get to the end with the use of Costumes, basically power-ups for our character.

here's the first problem, most of these costumes I find the be damn near fucking useless, such as the Box Fox, which can turn you into an invincible box but only when it feels like it, which I shouldn't have to say this but that is such a SHIT idea for a power-up, and we've got ones that have super specific uses that they just shouldn't be here, in that category we've got the Rail Runner, which allows you to summon tracks in very specific spots and run along them, which I remember not using even once in the entire game.

and we've got power-ups in the copy category, I have a feeling some of these we're made just to reach 80 Costumes to have a "back of the box" feature, for example you've got Dynamic Dolphin and Jellyjolt, which from what I remember are costumes with THE SAME FUCKING ABILITY! and this is true for, The Pumpkin Puncher and The Paladin Puncher both being characters who use there fists and punching to attack, and the Sickle Slinger is just a weaker version of the Sickle Slayer! do you see why this is SO FUCKING REDUNDANT!? literally half of these are copies of each other or at the bare minimum just slightly different/stronger versions of each other! and personally this is where my main gripe with Wonderworld comes into play, most of the costumes just aren't fun to use, I mean no exaggeration when I say that I hardly enjoyed using barley any of these.

another issue I have is with the controls as in other than the move buttons every other button is used for your consume ability! yep, every button you can think of, A, B, X, Y, the triggers too! that is such shit game design! but for what it's worth anything that wasn't gameplay I enjoyed quite a lot, but overall if you want a more interesting and fun platformer go look elsewhere, NiGHTS Into Dreams is on Steam and Xbox One/Series X through backwards compatibility, hell with that being said play literally any Sonic game on Xbox! Adventure 1, 2 and Unleashed are miles better than Wonderworld, and yes even Colors Ultimate was a more fun experience,

in conclusion Balan Wonderworld, while gifted with charming music, character and visual design is a below average game that you would need to try your damndest to wring out any enjoyment like I did,
(the reason I didn't rate it any lower than a 1 star was due to the music and visuals, which in my eyes saved it from being a 1.5/5)

Sonic Frontiers is the best Sonic game to come out in quite sometime, accelerating my favorite Hedgehog to heights I never thought we're possible, while there we're only a couple of snags on the way I'd say Sonic Frontiers is more than worth a purchase, and I'll explain why,

Sonic Frontiers brings a new take on Sonic in the form of "Open Zone" gameplay, basically being multiple Islands you can freely roam with stuff like grind rails taking you from place to place, obstacles, puzzles and enemies all through out these world.

I feel like this greatly works in Frontiers favor cause when your at the beginning you feel like your exploring this vast unknown land, and at the end when you have your speed maxed out it feels great to traverse from place to place, the Open Zone sections being made up of 5 Islands, although I'd say 4 due to Rhea Island not being anything like the previous 4 and just serves to move the story along, and barely having anything in the way of exploring, but other than Rhea I loved the other 4 Islands.

my favorite out of them being Chaos Island, due to it's dreary and apposing atmosphere, and having my favorite boss/boss theme, Knight and it's theme Find Your Flame, but yeah Rhea Island aside I feel the other Islands are excellent to traverse through,

one of the few things I had an issue with was Cyber Space, levels that Sonic goes into and goes to the end, personally while I thought they we're fun I feel they could have been handled better, mainly with Sonic's movement and physics, he felt very stiff to control, like making sharp turns and such, and just feeling very slow, but I will admit the music in Cyber Space is actually quite good, but I'm jumping the gun with the music aren't I?

the story I feel is probably one of the best Sonic stories out there, with the mentioning of lore and story elements from past games that a Sonic nut such as myself really loved! such as Sage talking to Eggman trying to convince him to team up with Sonic, mentioning all the things that they accomplished together, Tails mentioning that a vison he had reminded him of Dark Gaia, I was super happy because it makes the lore and story of Sonic feel more interconnected and tightly knit.

it should go without saying but I really loved the characterizations of everyone, Sonic probably being my favorite, being a cocky yet kind and caring person (Hedgehog?) who just wants to help his friends and helping them in anyway he can, Tails Realizing he needs to go on his own for a while, Amy being kind and compassionate and not being some freaky fangirlish stalker, with her compassion with Sonic being believable, maturing you could say, everyone had great characterization I'd say, including newcomer Sage.

the only thing I didn't like about the story was what I feel was an asspull near the end where Tails, Amy and Knuckles stop Sonic's Cyber Corruption he was gaining through the game, reeks of "Anime Friendship Magic Saves The Day™" bullshit, but other than that I thought the story was quite good,

The bosses of Sonic Frontiers we're just fantastic, so much so that I wish we got more of them, the best bosses being known as the Titans, giant robots Sonic fights on his journey, my favorite being Knight, mainly cause it offers a good challenge while not being too bullshit hard, but my least favorite boss was probably The End, which for all intents and purposes is just a Moon that you fight in a bullet hell styled boss battle which I didn't find as great as the previous boss fights,

and for my final point, the music was great! while there are some obvious choices like "Undefeatable", "Break Through It All" and "Find Your Flame" I also really enjoyed the other vocal tracks "I'm Here", "One Way Dream" and "Dear Father", but those aside I thought Cyber Spaces music was really good! some stand out tracks being "Flowing", "Dropaholic" and "Hype Street" which oddly enough reminds me of Chemical Plant Zone's theme, but those aside I'd say Cyber Spaces music all around is worth a listen, or at the very least enough of one to see if you like it or not,

In conclusion Sonic Frontiers is one of the finest Sonic games to come out in nearly a decade, having the best story out of any of them and over all blowing them out of the water in terms of over all quality, I highly recommend Sonic Frontiers!

personally I feel this game is just ok, nothing more nothing less, and while it is fun to a certain degree it just feels a bit on the bland side once you boil everything down, and while I think that might be due to the fact I didn't grow up with the game I still think it's just an ok experience, cause if I did grow up with it I'd probably be singing a different tune, but yeah if you're not trying to complete it 100% it's a fine experience that if your looking for a platformer to play and have nothing else to play I'd say go for it, you might think it was more fun than I did, but I mentioned 100% the game itself, I actually tried to do this, emphasis on the word tried, I say this cause I didn't take into account how many Golden Spatulas and Glitches there are in regards to the collectibles, tried to grab a GS in a level and it flat out didn't appear, no matter how hard I tried to make it respawn, even loading previous saves didn't work, due to this I highly doubt I'll ever platinum this even though I was pretty damn close, so yeah if you want a fine platformer I'd say this could fill your plate for a couple afternoons but if you intend on completing this 100% please don't even bother like I was trying to,

while at it's core Pokémon Scarlet and Violet was a fun, enjoyable romp of an adventure a handful of technical issues keep it from being the definitive Modern Pokémon experience,

with the issues being but not limited to pop in, textures flickering in and out of existence, the really bad Tera Battle Search feature that hardly works half of the time, can be super choppy and some of the textures can look super blurry up close, but technical issues aside the only other things I didn't like we're the shitty evolutions certain Pokémon had, particularly the "Walk 1000 Steps with the Pokémon" kind of evolutions, and how the game I shit you not sometimes hides Pokémon out of bounds, you can circumvent this by using the camera button to get up and close but it's still super shitty all the same, but aside from that I do think Scarlet and Violet are genuinley great games,

I loved the open-ended nature of it, how you can go where ever you please and tackle what ever challenge you wish in any order, even if they nudge you in a particular direction, but it's just advice on the games part so you can still do what you wish,

and I loved the games story and characters, I found them to be really charming and likable and I hope we can see Penny, Arven and Nemona in a different piece of Pokémon Media,

and I love the idea of Terastallizing Pokémon, either powering up there current type or switching there normal type to a different one to turn the tables on your opponent,

really if all the bugs and visual hiccups we're fixed I would consider this to be a very great game, damn near excellent, but alas this isn't the case, the glitches are the main reason I gave S&V a 3 out 5 stars, if they weren't here it would have been 5/5 stars on my part,

but yeah if you can stand a Pokémon game that can be sometimes visually unstable and hide Pokémon out of bounds I recommend this, but that is a VERY cautious recommendation, just know what your getting yourself into,

I was lost without Pokémon Sleep, I was a shambling corpse, wide a wake with no reason, but now I have a reason, A REASON TO SLEEP! THANK YOU POKEMON SLEEP! SEE YOU GUYS IN 5 YEARS WHEN I HAVE MY SHINY MAGIKARP THAT SLEEPS ON IT'S FUCKING HEAD!!!

I'd rather walg myshelf to muh trugg than play this game again, or in other words I'd rather be a homeless cats that work at pf changs than play through this unholy desecration of god,

this game is the reason why Saint Peter won't let bad game devs through the pearly gates,

hey guys welcome to my review of this Ikea™ branded shelf! also before the video begins be sure to comment, subscribe and smash that like button into FUCKING OBLIVION!!! so on to the shelf, it's actually quite good! very sturdy! sturdy enough to hold my massive dump truck ass! see as I test it right no- breaks and I fall on the floor ow! fucking hell! this doesn't make for a good sitting shelf at all! (or as I call it a shitting™ XD) now if you'll excuse me I'm off to go see if my Wii remote makes for a good masturbation device,

this game is the reason my faith in god dwindles each and every day, but it's also a remind that one day I will perish, weather it be going to a black void of nothing or returning to the primordial ooze of how I came to be, only time will tell,

so after playing (I'd estimate around 10 or 15 hours worth) Nickelodeon All Star Brawl I'd have to say this is a legitimately good, fun game, like I'd say it a couple tiers above average licensed game slop, like I can look at this and say "wow this is actually pretty fun!", is it the best games I've ever played? no, not even close, but this is a mighty fine attempt, and with that being said I'd say NASB is a good alternative to Smash Bros (if you like Nickelodeon properties anyway), but yeah if you like Smash Bros and are a fan of Nickelodeon I'd say it's worth picking up,

this massive Jalapeno infused shit I took after eating copious amounts of Taco Bell was a more pleasant and fun experience than this game,

this games gets two dildos out of ten, why two? easy! it's the perfect amount for the amount holes this game fucked me in!