the story was so bad is legitimately made me depressed for a couple days, anything that isn't the story is actually pretty good though.

I will never understand why this franchise spawned so many goddamn games.

Kirby's Epic Yarn is what the taste of Hot Coco and Marshmallows look like visualized.

Mighty No. 9 is a very controversial game to say the least, from it's Kickstarter Campaign being a mismanaged clusterfuck to it's eventually release and lukewarm reception, it's a game that's been lambasted and roasted to high hell, but personally I feel Mighty No. 9 is overhated, does it have problems? oh yes it does! from inconstant difficulty to equally inconstant level design, it's a game that's riddled with NES era bullshit, from bottomless pits, instakill spikes and instakill boss attacks,

it's a game that wears it predecessor on it's sleaves, but even with all those complaints aside MN9 can be a very fun experience, once you memorize the levels and boss patterns it can be quite enjoyable, personally this comes from trying to clear levels as quickly as possible while obliterating and absorbing every thing in you're path, I use my favorite Weapon that being the 'Remote Cannon' which is a big fuck you bomb to every enemy in the vicinity, but my least favorite would have to be the 'Electric Seed', it fires 5 projectiles and if stuck slowly drains enemies of health I genuinely didn't see any use for this, not for normal enemies anyway, for bosses with a gigantic hitbox it's actually kinda decent,

my favorite level would probably be the Capitol Building in which you have to dodge bullets that can sometimes follow you, and eventually navigate through instakill tripwires, my least favorite would probably be the Power Planet, it's very basic and uninteresting, only notable things about it are the power generators that you have to carefully slide under other wise you die and that the lights in the level will flicker on and off, although that's completely undermined by the fact that aside from the opening of the stage you always have some form of light leading you where to go, would have been neat if it was a bit more tricky on where you need to go,

but yeah Mighty No. 9 is just an ok game that can sometimes be stupidly unfair, genuinely wish it got a second chance with a direct sequel.

Genuinely great anime arena brawler, has a shit load of characters to choose from and all of them (aside from the three version of Midoriya, two versions of Shiggy and two versions of Overhaul) feel very distinct from one another, it let's you customize you're favorite characters with clothes and gear, you can set said characters up in a photo mode and make a sick picture,

only thing I didn't like was the story mode, if I wanted to "Re-experience the story of MHA" I would just rewatch the anime, not playthrough a version made with 2 cents and shoelaces,

MHOJ2 rocked me harder than expected, it's a great step above the first instalment and MILES better than what ever the fuck Jump Force was.

you ever played a game where you just don't give a shit?

I thought Force Unleashed was actually kinda fun, not a perfect experience by any means but one that I still got some kicks out of, it still has problems like cheap bosses that can be a pain in the ass to fight, and a lot of the times you can be stun locked into places with little chance of fairly getting out, but the combat was really fun, the attacks felt very heavy and powerful, I know some people might view that as a bad thing but the attacks felt like they had impact, especially when chaining normal swings with electrical attacks, the thunder attack was pretty cool, when leveled up all the way anyway, I feel the way the force was handled here was great, being able to pick up small and medium sized enemies/objects and just chuck them all over the place, made it really fun trying to figure out how I was gonna handle some situations, like will I take the enemies head on and risk alerting more or hide somewhere and chuck this bomb at them, also I think it's pretty funny when you pick up enemies and bring them to another they'll grab on to each other for dear life, only attack that I didn't use too much was the choke attack, it instantly kills any medium enemy but you have to stand still and be in front of them to use it, and since there are a million better attacks to use and they'd just be shooting me I figured it's damn near useless, but yeah Force Unleashed was a fun time.