More Descriptive Favorite Games

Ordered except for the top 3. Everything below 10 is an honorable mention that didn't make it for one reason or another.
DQ11 is a game that's very dear to me and is the first game I think of when I hear "favorite game", but it has faults the other two don't.
DKCR is likely the objectively best of the three.
FE:A is my favorite of the 3 to replay, but the main story is definitely lacking.

I hate RNG, I hate open worlds, and I hate sandbox games. So how is it that Terraria makes all these things fun? That wasn't rhetorical, I'm really asking.
Arkham Knight so perfectly captures stealth, one of my favorite types of gameplay, that it's one of the few games I choose to master out of fun rather than necessity.
A simply fun action game that manages to have a better emotional climax than the actual climax of KH.
Best map design and resource management in the whole series.


I made a whole YT video talking about why I like this one more than Eternal so go watch that.
Halo 3 is very special to me, but Titanfall 2 hits far more beats for me in terms of being a fantastic game.
This game kinda objectively sucks, but the Life system is my favorite implementation of resources in any video game I've ever played.
I like Doom Eternal far more than I typically let on, but at the end of the day 2016 does still beat it out for me.
Absolutely the best Sonic game, and if it had a tad more polish and was longer it would absolutely make top 10. Perhaps Sonic x Shadow will do it.
I love this game dearly, but man the Electoons can be a bit intrusive when you're not going for 100%.
Only here because the 2nd game barely beats it out.
There are things I like more about 1 though, such as how pilots do damage to enemy titans.
My playtime might lead you to believe this is one of my favorite games of all time, but don't get it twisted. RNG has this game by the balls, and RNG is like a bottom 5 game mechanic of all time for me.
Plus the game is unplayable without mods. FUNCTIONAL of course, but I can't say I would've loved it as much without my literal dozens of mods installed.
The first Sonic game I ever truly loved, but suffers from the shortcomings of 2d Sonic.
I love this game tons, but I can't necessarily give it a top 10 of all time when it's so dependent on which friends I play it with.


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