(Played on PS4 first then finished once PS5 upgrade released) An amazing return to form for Crash after N-Sane pumped life back into the series. A little too trial and error at times (even for this series) and collectible mad too, but had fun and looking forward to what’s to come.

The last gen port of this game is a great swan song for what those systems can do despite their setbacks, but next gen/PC is the way to go if you can. 4K60 locked on this game looks drop dead gorgeous, but you can’t really go wrong regardless.

A fun rhythm game that unfortunately devolves into a guessing game if you have no understanding of Japanese. While I enjoyed my time with it, I could only recommend it to seasoned Vocaloid fans.

Such a confused game. The character designs, certain individual stories and worldbuilding are great, but the gameplay is meh and the endgame is infuriating. So much is also left unexplained... I’m left so utterly confused but I had some fun.

To answer the question I get asked lots when I reveal that I’ve been playing this game: In it’s current state, it probably is beyond saving. The concept is good, it’s just the execution, and sadly I doubt Square will give the team the chance to fix this game or make a sequel.

Played through this game quite a few times, but nabbed the in-game definition of 100% again for the sake of RetroAchievements. Hugely outdated, but always a fun single player game to quickly burn through.

Played to test Saturn emulation on Series X as well as to grab more RetroAchievements. Sonic World is so ridiculously short I was debating even counting it, but I finished all in-game tasks and saw the credits so meh?

Despite being clunky nowadays, Sonic World is enjoyable more as a "what could've been" for Sonic Adventure rather than anything hugely interesting on its own. But it's so harmless and short that I still think it's worth a quick 10-20 minute blast for Sonic/Saturn fans.

Mission Mode was always something I avoided when returning to Mario Kart DS because I struggled badly with it when I was younger and could never beat it. It was a breeze and a great bit of fun this time though!

The playthrough that turned NiGHTS into one of my favourite games of all time. Fantastic controls and highly replayable gameplay lead to a game which constantly pushes you to do your best and to beat that last high score. Infinitely replayable. Fantastic game.

This sure is a game that exists, huh? It's a whole load of nothing. It's so mediocre and easy that I have literally nothing to say about it, but maybe the fact that it's also nothing negative is a positive in itself. Good music though.

Of course I had to go back to Colours after Ultimate was announced... wait. Fun game, glad I replayed it so I could get a taste of Colours without being too bored of the Wii version ahead of Ult.

Still always tries to claw its way to being my favourite "classic" Sonic game, even if I recognise it has some flaws which stop it from being perfect. A great example of how to call back to old level themes and tropes without directly copying and instead iterating. Something that Dimps forgot later on it seems...

Finally, something... only slightly different. If you're not a fan of Miracle World already, this game isn't going to change your mind. If you do like it however, then you're more than likely to love the changes and new additions.

Never actually beaten story mode until now. Tough as nails but fair and extremely addictive. "Just one more attempt" was uttered on every stage past world 8.

I swear I'll play some non-SEGA soon, just need gaming junkfood ATM. 😅

Despite playing all the way to the true ending in one sitting, surprisingly enjoyable? Lots of problems sure, but had fun. Definitely something of a guilty pleasure.

Played with: Bisylizzie

Finally finished it! Lots of help received along the way from friends and family, but saw it to the end. Had lots of fun and looking forward to overcoming my creative block and continuing to create my perfect island.

A far better game than people give it credit for, but still nowhere near perfect.