The first two thirds are the best FromSoftware has to offer, but the last third falls very flat. I would put it as a case of trying to too hard to give veteran Souls players a real challenge.

But those first two thirds are basically perfect.

The dark sections go on a bit too long and the ending escort mission is pretty poorly designed but I love the aesthetic of this game so much.

A cool epilogue to the main game. The action focus shouldn't work but it's so ridiculous that it does.

Perfectly fine little Mario game you can burn through in 30 minutes.

Well this is disappointing. 343 clearly had season 6 mostly complete but Microsoft pulled the plug on it to get the studio working on a new game. It's evident the devs weren't happy about this considering they didn't even give this update a name and shoved all the armor pieces on the store for $38. Only one new map?

It seems the strategy was to get Infinite to good standing with the player base with the past 2 seasons and then cash out with a pitiful "content update."

One of the few intentionally funny games to actually make me laugh.

Kirby's most defining game. The copy ability and minigames would become staples of every Kirby game after this.

Amazing they got this running on an NES.

I had the demo but my mom wouldn't let me have the full game. Fuck you mom.

The story between Chief and Cortana is great but the narrative surrounding it is weak by comparison.

The multiplayer was a weird mix of traditional Halo and Call of Duty in an effort to "modernize" the gameplay. Just two years later in the MCC the COD elements were completely removed.

Everything this game attempts it does perfectly.

Brilliant in a lot of ways. Superfluous in others. An open world game that actually has an interesting world.

Fairly solid foundation ruined by the need to be a live service. It's a shame because the characterization of the main campaign characters is all really good.

All great games but the bare minimum of a re-release. Add on top that the limited availability and you get a very poor package.