I always really enjoyed the game's concept as a multiplayer hybrid tower defense and 3rd person action game. There aren't really a ton of games like this, weirdly. I just wish it were better made. It's pretty dang janky.

When I think of Skyward Sword, my first thought isn't the surprisingly good story, solid dungeons, cool new crafting system, fun new gadgets, or the great visuals and soundtrack. No, when I think of Skyward Sword, I think of how much the motion controls fucking sucked, how boring it eventually was to fly around the huge empty sky world, and how stressful those awful stealth sections were.

Everything I listed that I love with the game I fully stand behind - it's got some truly fantastic stuff that no other Zelda before it had, but the game is brought down pretty heavily by the motion controls and empty open world. Seriously how do you make flying around on a big bird boring.

If you haven't played this and you want to know what it's like, go watch the Mega64 Skyward Sword video. This is the only Zelda game I can confidently say that I had a bad time playing. (Still 100%'d it though)

I am grateful to Bit.Trip Beat for being a cool idea that spawned a whole series of games that eventually gave us Bit.Trip Runner which then led to Runner 2 (which rules).

After Words With Friends blew up in popularity, Zynga just dumped out a bunch of junk "With Friends" games. Words was great! This was not.

Angry Birdzooie: Nuts & Bolts

A neat little coaster sim for phones back in the day even though it's more of a coaster building tool with some fun styling than a proper game.

This is genuinely one of the best, if not the best, digital versions of Carcassonne. Back when we were still dating, my wife and I lived apart for a few years and we would just play round after round of asymmetric Carcassonne games. The UI was great and it made playing and scoring so easy that it spoiled me into never wanting to play the physical version anymore. It was just such an incredibly well-made digital adaptation of a board game.
It's too bad Asmodee Digital acquired the rights to this, shut this down, and released their own shitty version.

This was one of my favorite old phone puzzle games back in the day. 100%'d this and the off-shoots, Couldn't get enough of these little puzzles.

Maybe because Pokemon X/Y is the first Pokemon game I played since Pokemon R/B/Y, but dang it I love this game. I was one of those Gen 1ers for years. - "Any Pokemon after Mew don't count".
And then the first ever 3D Pokemon was announced. A 3D Pokemon game! It's what I had been dreaming about since I was a child. Maybe not exactly like this but close enough. I had a 3DS already, so why not? It looked cool!

I've heard the complaints about this game from seasoned Pokemon fans and I get it. I know this game isn't perfect, but as someone who was coming back to the series for the first time in 15 years, I was enamored. I will forever be grateful to Pokemon X/Y for getting me back into Pokemon and for curing me of my Gen 1 disease.

Literally purchased a 3DS (my first Nintendo handheld since the GBA) just so I could play this game. So many hours spent in this game rekindling my obsession with Animal Crossing from the GameCube era. StreetPass was a rad addition to help me complete my furniture collection.

Very weird to make a remaster of the free Nintendo Wii pack-in game and charge money for it while adding nothing of value.
Golf with the Gamepad thing was a fun gimmick but eh.

The GamePad mode that lets you create blocks was fun for my young nephews to mess around with.
However, playing this game with children in which you could pick each other up and throw each other off the edge was a nightmare. Do not recommend.

I don't know what it is with Pikmin games but I can never get them to click with me. Something about the day/night cycle and time limits are always just too stressful for me when all I want to do is explore with my little buddies.
The co-op mode was dope, though. Played through all of that with my wife. Wish you could that with the actual campaign.

Simple, beautiful experience. Chill vibes, wonderful music. This one stuck with me for a while and I still listen to the soundtrack on occasion.

Big Nintendo Land defender over here. A lot of folks dunked on it for not being Wii Sports but I honestly think Nintendo Land is more of a proper game than Wii Sports was even if it's not as groundbreaking. I genuinely think Nintendo Land was a great launch title to show what the Wii U was capable of.