Brilliant game, the most emotional story involving Kiryu, with his best moveset yet. As well complimenting Yakuza 7 about moving on from the Yakuza and how that dead dream will still get those to cling onto it leads to a bittersweet end. God I love this series so much.

I want you to understand that I spent over six months on this game, I needed to be in the mood to play this, it was a good foundation and while I don't think there's one area where it excels the orbment system was fun to fidle with, and the cast was vibrant, but Joshua and Estelle's relationship is sooo... it chief.

The narrative beats from moment to moment feel tangential at best, however what the game wants to say about the entire series up to this point is paralleled perfectly with the plot. About how, yes there have been some shit that has happened, but we cannot hide that because if we do we'll repeat those mistakes. Much like how criminals shouldn't be sent off to a place to die, the series should not hide what it has done. Yes Kiryu has always run away from his own issues, yes he is an idea that no one can reach, and how that inspires more people to be a Yakuza. With that last bit creating far more harm than it does good, with that being the crux of his final fight. Instead of trying to brush it off, he comes to terms with it, and decides to take it on himself because to leave it to the next generation would repeat the cycle again. Whilst Ichiban's side of the story is much messier, it also goes to show why he's the protagonist of this new era, to show that there's always going to be good in this unjust world that would strip him of everything and that despite it all, he would keep moving forward even with the knowledge that it will fail. Not only a love letter to the events in the series but every era, entry, and even mistake that the series has done and it wears it on its shoulders. This does get messy, and there are certain plot points and charactes that definitely could've used more time, but everything about this game I love.

It was great, though I did stumble upon a a few technical errors, I enjoyed the story of Vito and the downward spiral his life takes as the life he wanted only put him in the same place. The gameplay felt directly refined with better combat, like a surprising depth to melee.

Real ass fucking game. Holy shit. Exudes style and swagger at every molecular level. The rhythm based combat takes a bit to get used to but it really gets going when you have the timings down. The level design is incredibly packed, each section feels just right when it comes to encounters, traversal, and story beats. If there's any negatives is that the story really is just there, nothing too negative nor anything positive. Kinda glossed it over, especially during those moments right after a hectic boss fight. Deadass if these bosses had more than the surface level, each would be iconic in their own right.

The Rose section was incredibly fun. A lot of quirky and bizarre humor used to give insight into what Rose would've been going through that led her down this path of fanaticism. The Jesse section was less fun as while exploring the area was cool the entering the warehouse part was kinda boring but it made for a neat parallel to Control. Finally the Time Breaker section was incredible and full of that Remedy creativity. Never played Quantum Break so I don't know what it parallels. Though this does a really good job at giving ideas as to what Door is and how Alan in Final Draft will turn out, with the whole Master of Many Worlds stuff. It was also really fun to see my shotgun have 300 rounds.

Fantastic game with brillaint characters, story, themes, and combat, only main complaint is the dungeons are a bit too similar.

A game that presents itself and what it has to show. Doesn't waste time and keeps on moving on to make sure you get to experience something new. Story didn't deviate from a standard mob flick.Nothing groundbreaking but a fun play with style.


The base story is a documentary type video that goes over what Lincoln Clay did, and I did like it, seeing all these people try to make the most of a world that creates monsters, both how the US government and the Mafia played a role in the creation of what Lincoln becomes. While the Hatian Mob, and the IRA were neat starting out they did not get much characterization that wasn't locked behind a tedious grind. Vito though, while I do think him meeting a grizzly end is better, Lincoln is not that guy to give it to him, so him giving Vito hope works better. It was also neat seeing the bad guys and how they develop as Lincoln slowly destroys their empire. Where it falls apart is the gameplay loop, shit is just so annoying to deal with, "do x and go to x until reach number" is just so soul sucking and you have to drive from one end of the map to the other god fuck. The cover shooting is at its best but everything else, from variety to fucking melee is take to pre Mafia 1 levels. If this was all streamlined I could easily have put this up there with Mafia 2, maybe even above it.

idk nothing really stands out but it has potential to be something better. Fairly boring levels, only two good bosses, story that doesn't go beyond its premise. The combat clicked a few times and if there's ever any more it had a good foundation to go off of.

complete upgrade on the previous game in almost every single way, the webswinging, the combat, the two playable characters all of it make for a premium experience, while I do wish there was a lot more progression for Peter's Black Suit, Venom himself is good and how that Kraven was a major driving force, I was glad to see respect on my mans.

Wielding a lightsaber is so cool, I loved the moves you could pull off, you could tell they were barely able to put this together but this is such a cool experience.