Probably the most badass game of all time. Story was decent, bosses were amazing, and overall such a fun game. Blade mode is fantastic, and Monsoon, Sam, and the senator are all phenomenal bosses (fuck you mistral)

Incredible. I loved this game. The gameplay got really repetitive around summer, but once things started ramping up i began to truly love this game. The story is tragic yet beautiful, the music (while not being as good as the original) is still amazing, and overall it was such an amazing experience, save for tartarus. Even without tartarus, it’s just a truly amazing game that - even though i had to take a break halfway through and play something else - is definitely worth your time.

Peak aesthetic, peak gameplay, satisfying story and gameplay, overall amazing.

Great. Very cool design choices for the most part, but some areas were absolute garbage, and some bosses sucked. But overall a very good game bogged down by some bad decisions. Still had fun though

What an amazing ending to an amazing series. Badass cutscenes, poignant story, and emotional beats. Fanservice was nice. I love the entire 4th, 5th and epilogue act so much.

Amazing as well, but the depths weren’t fully utilized and I just didn’t have as much fun as botw. Still great though.

The best dark souls game. Great music, great level design, amazing in every single category.

Pretty good. It doesn’t strike many emotional cords with me but i enjoyed it. Raiden was a cool character and overall it was a good game. The message was great too.

Pretty fun, my second fav mario game.

This would have been 4.5/5, but 100%ing the game was genuinely awful.

Pretty fun but frustrating. Some enemy placements were terrible. But the gameplay was good and the story was decent