What dark magic did the fellas at Nintendo summon to craft a game this buttery smooth and ridiculously fun to control on what’s essentially a portable NES—

There are even Crash Bandicoot-like death animations for Mario here; such as my man getting flattened like paper then hovering for a bit— this doesn’t feel real and I’m so giddy that it is

Much to my shock, it is actually not the most unplayable offering of Sonic platforming ever made, maaaybe excluding a contender for one of the worst final levels in the franchise. That said, it’s just sorta dull with little to no challenge and I often questioned if this even needed to be a Sonic game in the first place while playing, because really, the only Sonic-ish traits to be found here are in the presentation: You got the blue hamster himself, Dr Robotnik, rings, a boppin’ soundtrack, and that’s pretty much it.

Not gonna lie, didn’t think Sonic Team still had it in them to make a tough-as-nails 3D Sonic game after Unleashed, but the madlads did it… juuust give us a heads-up next time the difficulty skyrockets into orbit from base game to the DLC, yea?

Going into this, I was expecting a relaxed, quirky little puzzle / job simulator game about sorting luggage at an airport. Level-5 also published Attack Of The Friday Monsters and the Professor Layton games, two IP's partially known for their quirky yet chilled vibes, so what could possibly go wrong?

- 2 hours and a half later -

Turns out, my buns got kicked harder here than in Sonic Frontiers' Final Horizon DLC, and the faceless manager is a natural at suplex-ing your confidence into mush, simply so through cold text bubbles of disappointment and frustration.

Would play again for the exhilaration and thrills.

Aight, I might give this one a chance another day, but today I’m abandoning ship for two smelly reasons:

1) The lack of checkpoints in fortresses. Believe it or not, restarting maze-like levels such as these with respawning enemies from the very beginning over and over again, literally losing every scrap of progress in them when you die (even during boss fights) isn’t fun, it’s tedious artificial padding

2) I wish all Eggplant Wizards a very d i e

I just beat this game and yet I can’t believe it is real. You mean there is a fresh new 2D Mario game where unlike the “New” games of old, no two levels play nor look the same and each has their own unique dreamlike challenge gauntlet, throws you 12 friggin characters to play as AND has commentator flowers that talk in Brazilian Portuguese? Is a game as insane as this even allowed to be real?

…… am I real???

To its credit, it IS more functional than Sonic Free Riders. But I’m also the same madman who beat Sonic Free Riders’ campaign as a naive silly 9-year-old

This game will NOT fuel the angry gamer’s rage-o-meter to the point of smashing their controller at the nearest unfortunate wall, not even close. Peach Showtime is not a difficult game, which isn’t bad by default, but you might crave a challenge here and there in the later plays. That said… dude, Peach bakes giant cakes with glee during a zombie-ish apocalypse? She lifts and UFO’s with her bare hands and throws ‘em like dodgeballs? And she has boss battles as a figure skater on ice?? Those are only SOME of the crazy fun scenarios Peach finds herself in at this theatre’s many plays, and there are others I’m actively holding myself back from spoiling to friends who might wanna play this game. It kind of has the spirit and “expect the unexpected” factor of a Kirby game on that front

I’m not sure how much a theoretical second playthrough would be compromised without that initial surprise factor, but at least on a first playthrough, Peach Showtime is very much carried by it’s charm, spectacle and presentation. So much so, I’m still mentally processing that I had more fun in the 2 hours of Peach’s short detective gig, than I had in the 12 hours that Detective Pikachu snatched away from my life. I’m serious—

Didn’t wanna phrase it like this, but this very much felt like a detective game on autopilot. If you’re not chuckling at the cute scenarios of Pokémon co-existing with humans in an urban environment or processing some of the most stellar visuals for a 3DS game, you’re endlessly mashing that A button to effortlessly gather testimony and evidence from an all-star cast of forgettable characters, with really nothing special in the gameplay to make up for it, like the brilliant puzzles in Professor Layton or the hysterical court trials in Ace Attorney. Unless you wanna count stupidly easy QTEs as the substitute for those?… I don’t.

And there is no way to fail or get a game over. If you make a wrong accusation in the moment of truth, there’s absolutely zero penalty for it and you can just select every last option without thinking until you inevitably click on the correct one, meaning there’s zero incentive to pay close attention and avoid failing the interrogation like in Hotel Dusk, where one slip-up can either make the respondent distrust you or land you a game over screen. All the while a Pikachu with an overly gruff voice simps for coffee every 10 or so minutes.

As an unapologetic Professor Layton fanboy and Ace Attorney enjoyer who was looking forward to this game, man… I really wished it could’ve been so much more than just disappointing.

Spider-Man bowling. Just from reading this unlikely combo, you’d think you know what to expect, but if I wasn’t while playing this, then you sure ain’t

And y’ know what? It’s the best bowling game before Wii Sports graced every last living room and TV on Earth four years later

Never has fear struck this swiftly than getting jumpscared by a garden gnome in the middle of a puzzle

“Join the Nintendo Fun… I mean, Club Nintendo today, Mac!” - Doc Louis, 2009

… how do we tell him, fellas

Many things happened in the year 2009: kids around the world were introduced to ‘I Gotta Feeling’ by the Black Eyed Peas through a Disney movie about spy guinea pigs, Stan Lee got his own holiday, Obama became president, Michael Jackson’s soul left this plane of existence, just to name a few.

and yet after all that… these Mini’s are STILL taking forever marching towards their goal. All I ask for in the next game is a fast-forward feature, and I’ll be a happy man!

half of the “enemies” in DK Island are simply commoners minding their own business (chickens, birds and elephants)

it’s been 13 years, when’s DK apology video coming out, huh?

Look, the Year Of Luigi did amazing things for the green mustachio’d underdog, and finally pushed him in the spotlight front and center where he belongs, right next to his older bro

… throwing Mario into a seemingly endless pit that’s 80 billion coins-deep worth of debt to some mythical bird might’ve been overkill tho—