when little 9-year-old me reached the Great Maze as a kid, i legitimately believe i beat the game and just unlocked a hard mode

wasnt expecting to have my mind blown with Sonic swooping in at the last second and actually being able to kick the final boss right in the face

y’ know what, this game absolutely goes hard

pls dont tell me Strong Bad sings at the start and end of every episode

Two things I was NOT expecting in this wonderful conglomerate of Y2K aesthetics and music:

Michael Jackson


you’r never suspect that besting kids at rock-paper-scissors would grant as much power as it does in a mostly lax game like this

you ain’t seen smug till you’ve seen Sonic cruising by when he wins 1st place at a race in Sonic Drift

did the same developer responsible for Mario Kart Wii’s criminal rubberband CPUs also work on this game?

Look, the Year Of Luigi did amazing things for the green mustachio’d underdog, and finally pushed him in the spotlight front and center where he belongs, right next to his older bro

… throwing Mario into a seemingly endless pit that’s 80 billion coins-deep worth of debt to some mythical bird might’ve been overkill tho—

half of the “enemies” in DK Island are simply commoners minding their own business (chickens, birds and elephants)

it’s been 13 years, when’s DK apology video coming out, huh?

Y’ know what this reminded me of? Layton’s Mystery Journey.

Not only because the protagonist is a detestable know-it-all who’s constantly condescending to their assistants, not only because it’s a spiritual successor to some of the finest mystery visual novels on the Nintendo DS, with sprinkles of that brilliance hindered by wasted potential in the gameplay’s structure (or lack thereof in here); but also an abrupt cliffhanger ending that depressingly crumbles the whole thing down with the devastating realisation that said teaser would never have its follow-up to answer such questions.

… at least for what it’s worth, the story was intriguing up until those final 2 minutes, and the soundtrack is a slapper.

At one point in the story mode, while Bowser is strolling around London with his lackeys, Kamek mistakes the Tower Of London for the Big Ben and Bowser corrects him on the facts. Now how could he had possibly known that in his first few days exploring the city?

Only one true, mind-blowing answer. If this game is canon to the Mario lore, then so is the edutainment smash hit ‘Mario Is Missing’

Previously, I would’ve mourned the death of any Pikmin in my army and be sad for at least 5 minutes

While I still feel that nowadays, it ain’t my fault some of ‘em can’t stop getting distracted pulling grass and go solo at any opportunity to consume that mighty nectar into their veins

Spider-Man bowling. Just from reading this unlikely combo, you’d think you know what to expect, but if I wasn’t while playing this, then you sure ain’t

And y’ know what? It’s the best bowling game before Wii Sports graced every last living room and TV on Earth four years later

Much to my shock, it is actually not the most unplayable offering of Sonic platforming ever made, maaaybe excluding a contender for one of the worst final levels in the franchise. That said, it’s just sorta dull with little to no challenge and I often questioned if this even needed to be a Sonic game in the first place while playing, because really, the only Sonic-ish traits to be found here are in the presentation: You got the blue hamster himself, Dr Robotnik, rings, a boppin’ soundtrack, and that’s pretty much it.

Didn’t wanna phrase it like this, but this very much felt like a detective game on autopilot. If you’re not chuckling at the cute scenarios of Pokémon co-existing with humans in an urban environment or processing some of the most stellar visuals for a 3DS game, you’re endlessly mashing that A button to effortlessly gather testimony and evidence from an all-star cast of forgettable characters, with really nothing special in the gameplay to make up for it, like the brilliant puzzles in Professor Layton or the hysterical court trials in Ace Attorney. Unless you wanna count stupidly easy QTEs as the substitute for those?… I don’t.

And there is no way to fail or get a game over. If you make a wrong accusation in the moment of truth, there’s absolutely zero penalty for it and you can just select every last option without thinking until you inevitably click on the correct one, meaning there’s zero incentive to pay close attention and avoid failing the interrogation like in Hotel Dusk, where one slip-up can either make the respondent distrust you or land you a game over screen. All the while a Pikachu with an overly gruff voice simps for coffee every 10 or so minutes.

As an unapologetic Professor Layton fanboy and Ace Attorney enjoyer who was looking forward to this game, man… I really wished it could’ve been so much more than just disappointing.