My one complaint is the lack of enemy variety, there's like 9 enemies and 5 versions of them each. With all variants sharing the same attack pattern.

All the lore is stuck in the last 3 hours of gameplay, you could jump headfirst into this one and be less confused than someone who's played the entire series.

Kingdom hearts game for people who haven't played kingdom hearts.

Best Game in the series by a wide margin

i aint gay but i would have passionate sex with yuri

Don't waste your time. Utterly ass, entirely vapid.

The World Ends With Mid would be too generous. Praying Neo flops so i never have to see discussion about this game again.

Disappointed to say the least. Somehow slower pacing and longer than sky fc. Easily the worst part of of this game.

Although their were some much needed revisions to the arts and crafts system i still miss some parts of the old system where quartz made a larger part of one whole rather than individual mechanisms functioning besides each other within one unit.

I am going to ethnically cleanse bionis of all nopon.

Cold steel 2 was a significant improvement from 1, all the problems I had with the first game were fixed as well as expanding upon the things I liked. However as an event that's been teased for like 4 games this feels extraordinarily lackluster. I understand this was a personal journey for Rean but you'd think a civil war that's been teased since like 4 games ago would be on a grander scale.

Obviously Rean isn't on the frontlines so he won't see the brunt of it but I didn't feel any significant change in most of the environments or any tension when visiting a town. I know one of the ways they tried to make us feel the effects of the war was by not allowing travel between towns but that feels meaningless when you couldn't even do it in the first game. I felt more immersed during sky fcs final chapters.

To summarises my point there was a drastic lack of change the war brought between Cold Steel 1 and 2. The things I could do in 1 I could still do in 2 despite fighting a losing war. This disconnect between the narrative and the gameplay felt jarring as hell.

Quite possibly my favourite thing in the entire world

by allah my prayers have been answered