6 reviews liked by TieflingKisser

Just remembered out of nowhere the lead dev for this threw a tantrum online when our fgc's host (an English and history teacher) asked if there would be any playable female or non-white writers.

Also this.

Suffers deeply from writing that seemingly emerged straight out of Mass Effect fanfiction. Charming enough characters whose sincerity is terribly undercut by sophomoric turns away from raw emotional beats and poor pacing. Half dark merc sci-fi, half Cassandra Clare novel. Unsure of what to expect in upcoming chapters.

Beta was better, but with no prospects for long term competitive play. The currect version has that, but it's just not as enjoyable. It's a lose-lose situation really

To me it was a very chill game, entertaining to pass some time, and that's it. I felt like the game didn't present real challenges (or they weren't interesting enough), so I ended up enjoying more its cozy side, but even then I felt like it lacked something, not sure what. I do appreciate the general feeling/message it goes for, though.

The game has three difficulty settings, a "gardener" one, meant to enjoy the chill/creative side of the game without thinking too much, an "engineer"(?) one, meant to enjoy its strategic side, and a middle difficulty which is meant to balance the two sides. I picked the middle one since I wasn't sure what to expect, but it may be more enjoyable in any of the two extremes.

Neat concept for a "reverse" city builder but every level played the exact same so it lost its shine fast.

i played through this with a friend over quarantine while we were separated, which i remember very fondly. the broader plot and worldbuilding is passably competent, especially considering romance is the main focus. the three different options for the player’s background are surprisingly distinct—there’s entire scenes and side characters that are unique to each one. even when you play through the same scene as all three, your motivations for being there, baseline reactions/dialogue outside of choices, and dynamics with other characters are often different enough to make it feel fresh. definitely adds a bit of welcome variety to multiple playthroughs if you want to see different routes.

the writing is generally solid, but there’s definitely a few clunkers. there’s this one godawful scene where you hang out with one of the nonbinary love interests and talk about gender/transitioning that is so jarring and corny i had to close the game and have a lie down about it. obviously it’s incomplete so it's hard to pass full judgement, but....i dunno. the whole game feels like it’s been sanded down to appeal to as many people as possible, so you end up with this weirdly sanitized queer vibe. Corporate pride parade ass dating sim.

also, on the pettier side of complaints, the character design kind of sucks, every single character is homogenously conventionally attractive, why does this studio consistently give their dark-skinned love interests light eyes and small noses its weird and also boring, also why are all of the men and nonbinary characters always at least 6 feet tall. that white haired bitch is a short king don't lie to me.

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