What a fun fighting game. As a total newbie it was great to learn and great to play.

4 stars for the soundtrack only, especially the stuff in intergrade.
You really have to chill with this game and not rush it, the experience with the original can color your appreciation, but I liked it overall.
Even though it got even more kingdom hearts’d, especially in dlc.

Dude this game is really fucking funny.
Gameplay is expectedly really good.

Somehow i liked Kingmaker better.
Too much busywork here tbh.
Writing was good, gameplay was eeehh, to complicated for a writing based game (for my liking anyway).
Music really good.
Also holy shit the puzzles here suck

Finally got to it, but on steam deck
Fun with gyro!

The writing sucks, the songs are barely songs, the actors are trying to elevate the material but they fail quite a lot.
The "rhythm" of this game is way off for it to be enjoyable.

Firewatch in space is a good short explainer.
Has the same problems and the same benefits.
I had fun with it, and it made me want to read the book, which is something!

Neat idea, but it left me with a sense of unfinishedness.
I geniunelly thought it was going to be a bit deeper with it's mechanics of saving characters, and it barely mattered in a general way.

It's alright, but after the first game I expected a bit more.
The aesthetics are there, the vibe is there, I just honestly feel a lot of uncovered/undeveloped potential in this.
Wish this game was straight up different.

Great game, absolutely loved it.
The highs are very high, the boss fights are pretty fun (they are basically FFXIV bosses but with better battle mechanics), and the music is great. There's some flexibility in combat and a bunch of enemy types, so it definetely has the RPG part down somewhat.
The story overall is predictable and cliche, but executed well.
The lows are not that low, but most side quests very from good to fetch-fodder. So not terrible, but eeh, we get spoiled by Witcher.
Ultimately worth a playthrough.

Chill, and strategic, I really enjoyed it.
Short tho.

I retract my previous score of 2,5/5, this game is kinda good.
When I first played it, I basically never played a single soulslike, so I fumbled and did not have fun with it as much as I could.
But after beating Elden Ring and Sekiro this thing kinda clicked for me.
Story is weak, but combat and set pieces are great. Bosses are fine.
Definitely worth the time to play.

beat chapter 1 and 2
Got uninterested in playing it further in chapter 3
the aesthetics are nice, but I never felt scared or that much impressed overall.