Genuinely the best musou game I’ve played.
It does get stale gameplay-wise, but it’s just how these things go.
Absolute banger of a soundtrack.
The story is so-so, but it works as a companion to three houses.
Just don’t try to beat it in one go, you’ll go insane from the repetitiveness.

Yeah it’s fun.
Dualsense features make this a must play on ps5.

I did not expect to have this much fun with this game.
I hated the first game, but this one was pretty much perfect for me.
The main thing I enjoyed was the gameplay, story was paced well, but could be paced better (for example giving us a bit more reason to care about Abby before shit hits the fan).
Would replay again, the gameplay loop is genuinely very fun.

Great game, absolutely loved it.
The highs are very high, the boss fights are pretty fun (they are basically FFXIV bosses but with better battle mechanics), and the music is great. There's some flexibility in combat and a bunch of enemy types, so it definetely has the RPG part down somewhat.
The story overall is predictable and cliche, but executed well.
The lows are not that low, but most side quests very from good to fetch-fodder. So not terrible, but eeh, we get spoiled by Witcher.
Ultimately worth a playthrough.

It's alright, but after the first game I expected a bit more.
The aesthetics are there, the vibe is there, I just honestly feel a lot of uncovered/undeveloped potential in this.
Wish this game was straight up different.

Cool idea, but fumbles the bag with some of the execution.
Essentially an FMV game.

I can say that I liked what the game was going for.
If Resident Evil is a holywood blockbuster with a coherent storyline and a narrative you can follow from start to finish and not be confused, Silent Hill is more akin to a David Lynch film, an arthouse piece, with a narrative that is scattered all across the medium and is never 100% clear with what it's doing. You always have to finish picking up what it's trying to put down.
I'd say this is probably the strongest part of the whole package here - the story, the dreamlike way of it's storytelling and the ambience of Silent Hill. The enemy designs are great, and the music really makes you feel unwell in the more suspensful parts of the game.
However, as much as I like the ideas of the game, it's "gameplay" part leaves me wishing for more. This was my first playthrough of it ever, I never had the chance to play it when it was more relevant, so I come with some of the modern ideas about gameplay design in the genre, and I am just not a fan. Sometimes it's the janky camera, sometimes it's the hitboxes, sometimes it's just the encounter design in general. None of the bosses were memorable (except maybe for Eddie, but that's a maybe), and they are most often just damage sponges that test your patience.
I can sense some artistic statement in the way the gameplay works, but I just honestly did not find it that fun or helping the other parts of the game (I'd say even the puzzles are somewhat better).
One metaphor that I noticed was that when you first start going to Silent Hill on the beach, the camera actually shows you the face of the protagonist, and does not show you the way forward, almost as if it wanted to say "Turn Back". There are many cool camera tricks in the game, but that maybe stuck with me the most.
I feel that it aged, and a newer coat of paint would do it good, but boy i am not sure if Bloober team is going to hit the ball.
We can only hope.

Neat idea, but it left me with a sense of unfinishedness.
I geniunelly thought it was going to be a bit deeper with it's mechanics of saving characters, and it barely mattered in a general way.

Tis okay.
Some of the gimmicky mechanics don't work as well, but it's fun enough.

beat chapter 1 and 2
Got uninterested in playing it further in chapter 3
the aesthetics are nice, but I never felt scared or that much impressed overall.

Very solid modern interpretation of a classic JRPG.
Has a whole lot of QOL features, that are sorely missing in more modern releases, focuses on the best parts while removing all of the busywork. The battle system is genuinely pretty fun.
The story is pretty captivating, but at points it gets a tad too slow, especially in the middle. It kinda finishes on a high note, so ultimately I'd say it's good, but far from the greats.
The character writing is ehhhhh.
Beat it in about 42 hours with all of the extra content beaten.

Cool animation based platformer
Out of all similar games (Inside, Limbo, Little Nightmares) I think this one stands out as one of the better ones.
Pretty good pacing, very good music, and a fun story/setting.
It's pretty short too.