It's good when you don't have to backtrack whole level sections.
The encounters themselves are really fun, the gunplay is one of the great things about Selaco.
Gun upgrading is interesting, but a bit stale imo, some of the upgrades are straight up unusable/not fun.
Still worth the playthrough!

Cool designs by Shiro Masamune of the OG GITS fame, but the overall story is just okay.
Animations are cool and ooze that I.G. style.

Only found it on ng+ lol… it’s hard, but the locations are really fun!

Some endings more fun than others, but a really cool concept and idea for a vn.

It’s 5 hours long, and I still think that it’s too long.
Great mocap and facial performances, sometimes good music and camerawork, but as you might’ve heard - the game is barely a game, and as a movie it personally loses me for most of the time. It’s taking a very heavy idea, and it STILL treats the player as an idiot.
Barely a game, not good enough to be a movie.
Knowing it’s another “no cuts” camera-wise game I wish the operator stumbled and fell in the first 2 minutes, would’ve saved us all the time.

Holy FUCK this game is a fantastic design execution in everything it decided to be great at.

After changing 3 ps4’s, I finally beat it on ps5.
What a great and fun game this is. Possibly the easiest I’ve played, and yet still hard.

I have posted, and it is no longer void

Incredibly fun puzzler, for which I basically had to whip out a Miro board, and probably half the playtime is me figuring shit out on that said board.

This review contains spoilers

Very conflicted about this.
This is very much a game that is wildly all over the place with it's ambitions, and while it definetely lands on some of them, the ones that it does not feel lacking.
I liked the overall story. While it's obviously very much infused with modern China, and it's not even very subtle about it (out with the old, in with the new, the HK protests, etc.), it still manages to tell a somewhat cohesive story, barring all of the sci-fi mcguffin that's happening all over the place (for example how did a teenage girl from school with barely any information managed to clone a human from hair? whatever, it's sci-fi, and maybe it's a metaphor, who knows).
The music is very much well done and fits a lot of the sequences in the game.
The more abstract and imo better sequences start from chapter 2, and I'm glad that I managed to power through the very slow chapter 1, it definetely "got better".
Some pretty cool shot composition and work with the camera.
Now for the things that are not quite to my taste, I guess.
The actual text - was sometimes really hard to go through. I'd probably say that it's a localisation problem, but most of the dialogues don't read that great (or maybe the game is going for something, after all, people in THESE circumstances are not exactly the best chatters).
The voiceover - IMO - pretty bad. It might be a language barrier problem, since most (?) of the VO credits are asian, but they probably should've hired someone native for this. Don't get me wrong, it's good that it's here, it helps with the text, but a VO supervisor in me is dying inside most of the time. I would probably not ship it with these voices. But i guess for an indie production, that is very china-adjacent - it's alright.
The hub. You'll get it when you get there. It's probably the biggest piece of friction in this otherwise almost VN-like game, and I'm not sure if it's intentional. Even the Old Town is better than the hub.
The "future" visual aesthetic plays a role with giving colors and distinct understanding of wtf the charatcter is supposed to be, but I feel that this style is very uninspired, and could be done better. But i guess it helps with the metaphors. (Red = bad).
Anyway, I still think that I liked it overall, and with maybe a bit more money and a more diverse team it could be even greater, but it is what it is.

Very fun survival horror. One of the best ones from the new indie batch that came in the last 10 years.

One of the most unique JRPG and overall game concepts I've ever played.
It's such an interesting idea - basically do a full pokedex before the world explodes, and with a lot of small interesting chanllenges within.
The world is really interesting, the writing and worldbuilding is childish and mature at the same time.
I probably enjoyed scenario B the most - it's where i fully "got" the game, and how it's supposed to played.
At the end of scenario C I was really thinking where to go and where to explore, to get to that final 100.
I'd say that the only thing that's meh is it's combat. It's "fine", but it basically never gets more complicated than "bigger damage = kill" (cept for when you need to deal less damage, but that's the extent of it's depth).
A game I probably won't forget, and a very interesting story, created out of mostly gameplay.

From what i played and gathered - it's like a mix of Northgard, Anno and Stronghold Crusader.
I can definetely say that this mix works, and wthe mechanics that are here are implemented just good enough to be enjoyable.
However, and this might be just my personal preference - this might just be a bit too much for me lol. The amount of work and mental juggling of things to remember increases by the hour, and 90% of mechanics are pretty poorly tutorialised (i can sorta excuse it, this being an early access game). I am just not ready for another work simulator, not with this economy!
And another thing, which might be obvious, is that everything that this game copies is just done better in the games it copies.
Battles are better in northgard, (as well as it's mechanic of expansion), city building/planning is done better in Anno, faster moment to moment gameplay is done better in Crusaders (it takes so long to do anything here, holy shit).
In general, it probably lacks a good tutorial scenario, or just straight up not random scenarios to be engaging at this point, but I will pay attention to it, in case it does pick up steam and gets finished in my lifetime. After all, we did get Bannerlord!

It's a "fine" enough shooty puzzle game, which i had enough fun with.
The story is corny as fuck, and the edge is not exciting and mostly boring here.
My team actually developed something that was pretty close to this idea, and imo, my idea was better, but they released a full product and i didn't, jokes on me.
(If you want to check it out, here: