Probably all-time best story in a Ryu Ga Gotoku series, however the JRPG part is starting to not be as fun in the later part of the game, where you basically have to grind to somewhat progress in the story.
Hopefully Judgement will pick up the beat em up roots.

It's pretty mid tbh.
The music is boring, the mechanics are simple, and it does not give you the flow that even doom 2016 had.
Otherwise totally solid.

fun but really hard, if you use "i am the chosen one" logic
Update, did a chosen one grifter run.
It kinda sucked ngl
Knocking down the score a little lol

Had it installed for about 4 years, and was reading it on and off for a while.
It really is just a book with photos, but a pretty fun one.

Somehow i liked Kingmaker better.
Too much busywork here tbh.
Writing was good, gameplay was eeehh, to complicated for a writing based game (for my liking anyway).
Music really good.
Also holy shit the puzzles here suck

Simple and fun.
Really good music, simple platforming and a neat enough story.
Liked it better than the og JSR.

A classic game reimagined.
When I first played it, I did not know about RE, and its influences on the genre , at that point the only SH game I played was Silent Hill 4 and the Obscure dilogy.
Now I can clearly see, how much this game took from re3 and 4 and made it its own.
Fun, and pretty hard at times.

basically ace combat zero but mecha.
Also beat NG+ and NG++
Still alive, buddy?

Leagues better than the first game.
Finished it on hard, which I found the most fun to play on. A really good exclusive.

The writing sucks, the songs are barely songs, the actors are trying to elevate the material but they fail quite a lot.
The "rhythm" of this game is way off for it to be enjoyable.

It's probably the strongest Deconstruct title to date.
The choices are pretty superficial, and the game barely tries to hide it's political leanings (i mean, it is a very political game).
Though after playing their gamejam collection this game has a lot of cool callbacks to their history.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing this, highly recommend to give it a go.

This feels like a lost game of the ps2-ps3 generation, and it very much is. I remember seeing the trailer for it way back, and being super impressed by the graphics.
However, I only decided to give it a shot now, and here goes.
It’s alright. Painfully so. The worst elements keep it from being “very good” to “great”, but some of the cooler sequences make it worth the play through.
Obviously, the rig of Trico is probably one of the most impressive animal rigs with procedural animation I’ve ever seen. It’s genuinely very cool, and the look of the game wins heavily from it. The overall vibe is also very studio Ghibli-ish, and has a lot of similarities with shadow of the colossus (duh).
The worst part is some of the incredibly tedious puzzles and really poor controls. Trico just keeps not listening to your commands, and it can get frustrating super fast. Some puzzles very heavily rely on your directions to Trico, and oh boy does it suck to wait 2 minutes for the doggy to come back to you, after it decided to go the other way. I guess it can be a part of the experience, animals rarely follow commands , but in this game it was taken a bit too far imo.
Pacing-wise the best parts are the beginning and the place close to the bridge. That’s not too great, and I was considering dropping the game entirely at points, but I’m glad I finished it, since it did pick up the pace back.
tldr cute doggy is cute, but keeps shitting the bed