would have blown my fucking mind in 2004

forget everything after 1.16 and it's perfect! (java)

it's so small, short, cute and silly. everything happening in that one small dark house. It just has an nice atmosphere with the music and It's hella fun

it was perfect. perfect. down to the last minute detail.

the GOAT of speedrunning. overplayed it in the last years but since christmas I'm enjoying it again like nintendo intended in the 90's: the casual way. And that is an very fun experience!

best gaming experience. period.

I want to love it but it just has so many fucking flaws. It's very good though. Love the controls, Love the Island and much more, but like I said, there is some dumb shit in this game.

Yeah, I love it, but the gameplay is wayyyyyy to easy.
But literally everything else is perfect. Music, Graphics, Worlds, Feel, Vibe. It's really just marios moveset and the overall difficulty. But 'cause of that it was the perfect game for me as a child

Looking back at it, it's nothing special and pretty generic.
I grew up with this one and the experience you have with yo friends is THE way to experience the game. It was literally the only big new thing after the DS Version.

It could be the best Mario Kart, But the tracks selection is too fucking small, it really gets me on my nerves, cause I used to play the SHIT out of this.

it's good fun for the 3DS... that's all!

aged so bad in many ways, but that's why we love it, right?

it doesn't get any better on VR

mario could stab me with that wig