21 reviews liked by ToastyTim

Worst game I’ve ever had the misfortune of playing three times

begrudgingly saved my franchise

Probably my least favorite generation of pokemon. Didn't really feel like a 60 dollar game with how boring it was/how bad it looked. The game handheld like crazy, had hardly any post game content until they released dlc and overall just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Not actually here to review this game, but I just found out this game still gets updated, and with new content. Well, back in August is the last I can tell (added a Blue Beetle suit for the movie), and before that, they added Constantine. Constantine. As in maybe the most heavily requested character that didn't make it into the console game. Wicked, honestly.

Not much to say about the game, I don't remember if I've played it. But if it's anything like Injustice 1 Mobile or the Injustice arcade game, it's not very noteworthy.

do you think they got caity lotz's permission to use her likeness for the white canary skin, or did they just do it. would she even know.

Danganronpa's fanbase preceded the game itself and turned me off from playing it for years. When I played it myself, I was quite surprised to discover that it is actually really fun! The mysteries are written pretty well and most of the dialogue (which is most of the game) kept me eager to read more because it would be funny, progress the plot, or offer clues useful for solving a future mystery. That being said, a non-negligible chunk of the dialogue was pretty cringe, commonly featuring immature jokes about boners, boobs, "doing it", off color kinks, etc. Sometimes this stuff was so bad it got a laugh out of me, but plenty of it did nothing but make me embarrassed to be playing this game, so I can see this making the game much less appealing to some people.

If you can handle some cringe dialogue and enjoy other visual novels/text focused games I would really recommend playing this game, despite whatever impression its fanbase may have left on you!

Anime as fuck and it is not ashamed of that, the story is incredibly entertaining and the cast of characters are range from very intriguing to just Seinfeld laugh track levels of goofy. Gameplay is fun for what a visual novel can be and I quite enjoy picking up Monocoins ...