Usually I hate games where your a kid protagonist, but like, this one rocks.

The best MMO combat hampered by the worst gear treadmill in a popular MMO. Siege's are kinda aids but good node fights are incredibly fun and setting up and shot calling are very satisfying.

Ironically probably my fave MMO culture other than Eve Online even if public channels are full of racist GAMER fucks.

Also probably caused my biggest mental breakdown over a video game, IDK this is a weird one.

I'm marking Mastered as 540gs around the time Kama2 came out.

Climbing to A20 was crack to me, something about Slay just makes you want to put 500 hours into it, probably the number 1 'kept me sane' title during Covid.

I don't personally have any strong feelings about it, probably an excellent kids first pokemon title though - hell a great kids first JRPG title, but fails to capture the magic of Gen3/4.

it's still good folks, go evil though.

Never Trust the Feds 2 is an infinitely better superhero game than basically any other one on the market and is a very nice improvement on the original, the climbing is very smooth the biggest flaw is that the best movement abilities are locked behind good karma and makes the game way more fun to play.

It's fine tho you get to ice the cowardly NSA agent on that route so it evens out.


Chances are the remake will redeem this game in the eyes of the general public and I'm fine with that.

Story and music are just as good if not better than Automata, but at least Automata is much more playable.

Its not Sonic 06 but man its close.

I appreciate the variety and the attempt however being sniped from off screen sucks ass.

P2 is the underrated and forgotten stepchild to the modern Persona games, you should go play it its gay as hell and it rules. Also you kill Hitler.

P3 is still the best Persona game,

FeMC rules and has a fantasticly written alternative story line and I way prefer the social links in this one.
The extra OST tracks are all really good.

I'm not replaying it the controls almost made me quit the first time. Really amplifies some of the frustration of your party members doing dumb things.

If they remade the FeMC storyline in an actually modernized remake of P3 it's easily a 10/10 and would be the uncontestable best Persona game and probably the second best SMT game overall.

The vastly superior game from 2019 starting with 'Outer'.

The dumbest GTA clone ever, probably the peak Simpsons non-tv media.