This score is rated by All Stars as a collection, and doesn't reflect the original games.
All the games are lovingly remade in a Super Nintendo style, and all have their own unique touches and flair that makes the collection stand apart.

A wonderful and absolutely addicting little game that just radiates happiness.

Yeah, not touching this one again. It's not awful, but it screams NES game, even more so than the original.

One of my favorite 3D Mario games for sure, and the Bowser's Fury mode only adds to what's already an amazing game.

A wonderful beginning to Nintendo's best modern IP, and a great start to the series. I remember being oddly excited for this game when it was first announced, and that strange compelling feeling to play this was not misplaced.

Solid 2D Mario game, and one of my personal favorites. It makes improvements to the formula of Mario 1 and 2, and then some. The controls are tight, the platforming is on point, the powerups are varied and fun, and every world feels unique (especially the giant world). This is a must-play for any fan of 2D platformers.

Underrated Mario and Luigi game.

It can be fun at times, but it's so irritating to play sometimes.

The first game in the series. Nothing super memorable, but a good time. A decent start to a really good subseries.

This is one of the most charming RPGs I've ever played. I played the remastered version on Switch, for reference. It's about as simple as RPGs get, and yet is strangely engaging. The plot is simple to the point of being extremely refreshing, being a simple "Save the Princess, save the world" story, and the game as a whole has aged surprisingly well. It can get grindy at times, and you only have one character to use, but it's a solid time that I'd recommend any fan of RPGs experience at least once.

It's okay. It's really nothing special, but it's nice to have. Gen 4 is my second favorite generation, so I love that it exists but it's very lacking in what you'd expect a remake to be. If you look past that, it's very charming, especially if you're nostalgia blind like me, with lots of nice colors and cool/fun touches here and there, but it could have been more.

One of my favorite 3D platformers.

One of my favorite RPGs of all time, no thanks in part to having one of the single greatest soundtracks of all time. The game isn't perfect, it definitely makes you grind at times, but the story is wonderful, the world is lovingly crafted, the job system is fantastic, the characters are all incredible, and again, the music is some of the best you'll ever hear in an RPG. Revo is an absolute musical genius.

A personal favorite of mine on the 3DS. Just good clean fun.