Had some promise, but just ended up being a mid-tier Pokémon game. Play it if you're a fan of the series, or for series completionist purposes.

Makes the base game a LOT better. With the expansion pass, Sword/Shield moves up to 4 stars.

The best version of the game, in my opinion.

Such a charming and fun game, and gorgeous to boot.

Such a fun and charming RPG, one of my favorites (if not my favorite) Mario and Luigi titles.

The best version of Super Star.

One of my favorite and most nostalgic games on PC. I spent countless hours watching my dad play this, and then playing with him once I got it installed on my PC. Graphics aside, this game holds up really well and it something I go back to frequently.

Legitimately one of the best platformers I've ever played. WayForward knocked it out of the park with this one. So much personality and love was put into this game. The platforming is smooth and challenging, the progression is satisfying and builds on itself to make the platforming feel even better, and is super fun to 100% (and the game rewards you for it). Highly recommend.

My personal favorite Zelda game.

A great expansion to a great game.


Absolutely addicting gameplay loop, satisfying progression system, great story, great music, amazing attention to detail regarding the source material, a great but fair level of challenge... if you're a fan of brawlers and roguelikes, or you love Greek mythology, give this a try.

Such a charming and fun little game. My only serious complaint is the abstract nature of the level "quests". In the later levels it can be almost impossible to figure out how to earn the heart star and you go through the same level multiple times trying to figure it out, only to end up looking to a guide for help because there is no discernable way to figure it out yourself. Other than that, it's a fun Kirby game with a great art style.

It's poker. Let's be honest, you bought this game to get the bonuses for TF2. Don't lie to me. There's no other reason you bought this and you know it. It is pretty fun though, because it's poker.

Honestly, a lot more fun than you'd think. My family and I have gotten some good hours out of this game. Somewhat underrated.