The girls are pretty cute at least. Ryoma go brrrrrr

Okay, at least one serious thing about this game. The story is not interesting, and the maps are really boring mainly because of balance. Ryoma just murders everything, which on one hand is absolutely hilarious since you can win entire maps just off of him, but on the other it completely destroys difficulty. I didn't bother trying to finish, and traded it in a long time ago.

This score is for 3D All Stars as a collection. I have individual reviews for the games in the collection already. It's mediocre at best, and really has no reason to exist, especially without Mario Galaxy 2. Nothing much was actually done to the games to improve them, be that gameplay tweaks or graphics; it's not even really a remaster collection, it's a repackaging collection. If you want to play these three games on Switch and that's all you want to do, then this is great, but if you're looking for a solid remaster that makes improvements and adds more than just the games' soundtracks, then this is very disappointing.

An absolute classic. So colorful, so fun, so infuriating sometimes, but a great time nonetheless. While a tad floaty, it's a wonderful journey through a coloring-book world filled with happy music and varied landscapes. The platforming is solid and satisfying and the mechanics are fun with just enough variety to keep things interesting. With a whole truckload of creativity and fun, this is a must-play for platforming fans.

One of my favorite RPGs of all time.

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Tied with Bravely Default as one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Expands upon Bravely Default's system with more jobs, and fixes problems I had with Default like excessive grinding. The game's music isn't nearly as good, and there are some very... interesting dialogue and story choices throughout the game, like the reoccurring use of the phrase "coup de gravy" and the story overall leaning into a strange comedic style that can really ruin the serious moments of the story at times, but overall it's still a very strong game. The characters (new and returning) are great, are wonderfully voiced and written, and arguably the character dynamics this time around are even better than before. The story is great, I found the relationship between Yew and Magnolia to be absolutely adorable (sue me), and how they led up to the surprise twist at the end was really well done.

A wonderful 2D Mario game, and one of the best to boot. Tight controls, great music, wonderfully designed and colorful world, this is a must-play for any platforming fan.

One of the best Pokémon games to come out in recent years. The gameplay loop is strangely addicting, and while it may not be much to look at graphically, it's chock-full of content and love from the developers. There are so many little touches and details to appreciate, and doing everything 100% is endless hours of content. It does get very tedious if you're going for a perfected Pokédex (every entry filled out 100%), but everything else is great.

Solid 2D Mario game, and one of my personal favorites. It makes improvements to the formula of Mario 1 and 2, and then some. The controls are tight, the platforming is on point, the powerups are varied and fun, and every world feels unique (especially the giant world). This is a must-play for any fan of 2D platformers.

I adore this game. It is constantly fighting for the top spot as one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and maybe as one of my favorite games of all time, period.

It can be fun at times, but it's so irritating to play sometimes.

One of my favorite 3D Mario games for sure, and the Bowser's Fury mode only adds to what's already an amazing game.


Absolutely addicting gameplay loop, satisfying progression system, great story, great music, amazing attention to detail regarding the source material, a great but fair level of challenge... if you're a fan of brawlers and roguelikes, or you love Greek mythology, give this a try.

My personal favorite Zelda game.

It's okay. It's really nothing special, but it's nice to have. Gen 4 is my second favorite generation, so I love that it exists but it's very lacking in what you'd expect a remake to be. If you look past that, it's very charming, especially if you're nostalgia blind like me, with lots of nice colors and cool/fun touches here and there, but it could have been more.