This game looks like a cartoon that came out in the late 90s to early 2000s

How did they nail their first 3d game so perfectly?

It's really good I just couldn't beat the final boss because I was bad but I plan on replaying it.

Genuine masterpiece from begining to end.

Just play chain of memories or watch the cutscenes on YouTube

There's a lot of flaws but the gameplay is still fun and Re Mind probably fixes those flaws.

It was fun just got stuck on a boss and I was desperate to play KHIII by that point.

I got stuck on a boss as usual... Will replay later.


Funny kitty game make me happy.

It's a fun game but at certain points feels like it's just throwing bullet sponge enemies for the sake of difficulty. Fun story and characters

Massive improvement from the first one not only in terms of story but gameplay as well. Every set piece feels bigger than the last with tight gunplay and parkour.