Everything about this game is so addicting and fun from the way it transitions from sky combat ala Star Fox to ground combat that's like a third person shooter. The character interaction are always entertaining and the voice actors do an incredible job. The only flaw about this game is that it physically hurts to play but it's so fun that I don't even care.

It explains why Mickey wasn't wearing a shirt. Also really pretty graphics.

Easily the best way of playing the original Metroid. The added segment at the end is also really fun and a cool way to switch up the gameplay after becoming so powerful.

It's a really fun game and world. While the controls can be a little confusing once you get in a good rhythm the game feels amazing to play.

It's such a a charming and fun game. Also I think the remaster has problems with the timing of the notes which is really disappointing.

Just a masterpiece of a game in every aspect from presentation to gameplay. This game is the inspiration for so many other games and it's understandable why it is.

Such a beautiful game with a really fun gameplay and movement. This game is either you love it or you hate it and personally I loved it.

Everything about this game is incredible. The movement is some of the best in the series and some of the most fun abilities. The cutscenes and presentation of Samus' personality is one of my favorite uses of her character. The boss cutscenes are cinematic and so exhilarating to watch. Raven Beak is also one of the greatest Metroid villains ever.

It's not bad by any means but I just find it boring and uninteresting in terms of gameplay and story. It felt like every time something interested me it immediately led to something that disappointed me.

This is like a best hits album. It's just banger after banger. But there is like an original song at the end and it's just really boring in comparison to everything else.

FOR SUPER EARTH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

It's a really fun alternate version of the game. I also really like the choice for different levels as well as other handheld sonic games getting represented.

It's great to see Amy, Knuckles, and Tails playable in a 3d game after so many years. They all have flaws but for a free dlc there is more content in this then actually paid dlcs.