Chrono Trigger really did live up to the hype it gets!
With all around very enjoyable story, characters, world, music and gameplay it really is the quintessential NES RPG.

3 relatively short stories where you get to play as side characters.
All three are fun and made with the same polish as the main game.

I have played Dark Deity up to chapter 8 as I write this and I've decided to put it down (for now).
The main reason being that I am not feeling challenged, despite being on the highest difficulty, ever since chapter 3 I have been able to solo maps if I so chose.
While the story and gameplay are both fun enough, they have not gripped me enough to keep playing at this time which is disappointing as I was quite interested in the game when I started.

A sweet short story that is a shining example of how to tell a story through unconventional means, whether that be visuals, audio or gameplay.

A truly spooky hidden object mystery game, with a horror setting and never ending mystery this game will make you shiver!
Jump into the skin of Jane the detective as you try to figure out the mysterious disappearance of the Millers and find yourself moving around the Long Pine Lodge, a mystical forest, a dungeon or even on high mountain peaks, this game has it all.

A decent enough DLC story with some neat new additions to the game.
I don't think the stuff in it compare to the main game but it's pretty fun nonetheless.
The new Eikon does do something well in giving you a new moveset to play with as opposed to just more cooldowns.

The best possible Pokémon experience.
Even besides the obviously fantastic thing that is pokémon fusion, this game has some great additions in it's quests, items, quality of life and events.
It does contain quite a few bugs that I hope will be fixed soon.
I think from now on this will be the only pokémon game I replay.

A fun enough gacha game.
Only interested because I am a huge FF7 fan, but I am not interested in gacha games anyways.

A fun puzzle game that I also like to make pretty environments in.

The classic clicker game.
Fine enough to keep you busy on a second screen but not much else to it.

A fun enough board game to play with friends, plenty of customization and mods.

I am very happy how this game turned out!
It really adapted FF7 in a modern way while also keeping the charm of the original and while there are some beats here and there that I prefer or missed from the original as a whole Rebirth hits the same beats just as well.

They did a great job of improving upon the combat from Remake with synergy abilities, air combat and more.
The open areas were fun enough to explore, though the World Intel wasn't too spectacular. The sidequests were pretty fun all around.

Very excited to start doing the post-game content next.

A beautifully bittersweet story that tackles very tough subjects with grace.
Has some quirky humor and moments throughout but don't bog it down.
Fantastic music to boot.

A simple but very fun tower defense game!
As it is in early access I'm excited to see new additions to it, but even as it is now I had quite a bit of fun with it.

With fun and unique weapons and plenty of modifiers to choose from you can customize your way to play each level. But even without putting on a bunch of perks to make the game harder it can be quite difficult at times.

Great fun, excited to see what they add to it.

Super buggy, waited for the game to get remotely fun but it never happened.