122 reviews liked by Toronikus

I can sympathise with the casual crowd that was alienated by this, I understand SRB2 Kart was largely famous for being a game that people can quickly pick up and stream, and mod to have any character they like, so I understand that brutally difficult Kart racer was probably not something they had any interest in, but man, this pushes all the right buttons for me.

Is it flawed? Undeniably. I'm sure you've already read that the tutorial is dogshit, and the items and CPUs can definitely be a bit much to handle. But in my opinion, it's super compelling. Substantial and fun singleplayer content, countless secrets, incredibly engaging races (NONE of them feel like autopiloting which is what I find a lot of Kart racers fall into) all compliment an incredibly fun to control driving system that, while yes is poorly taught to you, clicks faster than you'd think.

If you are a casual who just wants this game to be Mario Kart but with any character then you've probably already made up your mind and that's fair, I get why that's a desirable experience. For anyone else who has perhaps grown a bit tired of modern kart racing offerings feeling samey I implore you to give this a shot. Try to do at least the first few cups. I honestly kind of wanted to put this down after the first cup but I absolutely got hooked after I tried another cup and things started to click. Also, don't be afraid of the easy mode, it's there for a reason!

Great sequel that improves on everything the og set out to do. The tutorial is dogshit atm and makes the game seem more complicated than it is. Soyjak pointing at all the tracks is definitely the highlight for me. Emerald coast is GORGEOUS

I'm not going to pretend this game is perfect. The long tutorial is proof that there's too many gameplay mechanics to keep track of, the controls feel just a bit slower than SRB2 Kart, and there are some awful maps in the rotation.
But not all of the games that I've scored 5 stars are perfect. As a fan of Sonic and kart racers, this the most personal game of my entire life, and I doubt any future game will get me as excited again.

I believe it was Boyarsky that came up with the whole "What would the 1950's idea of the future be like" concept that would go on to define for me, the best aesthetic in video games.

I played this game first time a little over a year after it released in 1998 and I never beat it but I remember being floored by the concepts / ideas and around this time, I used to play DnD with friends but this game would go on to define what a computer role-playing game is for me. You suddenly had a influx of CRPGs and many of which were set in DnD worlds with DnD rulesets and man, Fallout was still better because it was defined by its own in-house system.

Many of those DnD crpgs of that era are games I adore. Hell, Planescape: Torment very well may be the greatest RPG ever made -- I still prefer Fallout (and Arcanum).

I eventually beat this a few years later after that first time and yeah, Fallout reigns supreme for me. Extremely happy to see the series getting so much love this week thanks to the TV series (I like it).

This happened to my buddy Eric

An absolute masterpiece. One of the most gripping stories in any video game I have ever played, and most certainly in any 2D game to date. Do not wait for Nintendo to translate this game, it does not matter who translates it. Play the fan made one and be done with it, you do not need a multi-billion dollars corporation’s consent to enjoy this masterwork of art.

rufus is the type of guy that if someone broke his arm he'd put it back in place and smugly say "shinra health insurance... the best insurance money can buy"

This will be better than Tears of the Kingdom

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Ladies and Gentlemen, we found the new banger 5 star game.

Gameplay is a massive improvement from the first game. Hanging is a really fun mechanic and the first person view mode is a life saver for me since I didn't really like the aiming in the first game. The soundtrack is just as badass as the first game, the Power Room theme is one of my favorite songs in all of gaming just because of how relaxing yet cool it is.

Obviously we can't talk about mgs2 without it's themes of misinformation in the digital age...for something made in fucking 2001, it gets a lot right...hell, we still see some of these issues to this day on the internet. Though I honestly do not like the...how do I say this. Sort of doomposting this final codex call has caused? Of course, these are still actual issues but the game tells you that despite all of that, you can choose what you want to believe in. What we want to pass down through literature, movies, video games or any form of media...is up to us. I think Snake's speech just sort of made me look at the world in a somewhat different way...I can't thank the game enough for that.

Also, god damn man... Otacon's speech when his sister died really broke my heart and actual had me crying for quite a bit..."both you and I...we were always alone...always...we only wanted love...we were waiting for somebody who would love us..."

That shit hit a bit too close to home. ;_;

Thanks again, Video Kojimer.

Immaculate vibes, man!

I will always have New Leaf as my preferred Animal Crossing game, but after playing this for a bit I really respect the origins of the series. Sure, its more simple, more rough around the edges. But that makes it interesting! It may not have the endless content of New Leaf, but its got a unique feel, I respect that.

I will definitely be playing this more. I may write more detailed thoughts once I play a lot more.