Terrible game that gives next to no information to the player. It never tells you where the roads lead, whether enemies are alone or in groups, what elements enemies are weak to, what status effects to be wary of, and WORST of all which items are masterworks or not. Would not recommend.

Doesn't feel anywhere as much of a complete package as a game as the old DS World Championship series, but fuck it it'll do. Good for dicking around against AI decks of varying quality - the little VN segments before and after the duels are so barebones they might as well not even be there, though. But yeah it's still fuckin' Yu-Gi-Oh in the end

iga went like "yeah what if we just took all the shit from like all of my castlevania games and just jammed it into one thing also uhhh what was that game called again uhhh darkness souls???? theres that one area that everoyne liked right i think it was called anal london yeah lets just jam that in too"

somehow it worked perfectly

The next installment of the Devil May Cry series brings our new main character Nero, with an all new set of moves and mechanics. Combat is the crazy action-packed fare you've come to expect from the series, but this game does come with one fatal flaw; which issi hcihw ;walf lataf eno htiw emoc seod emag siht tub ,seires eht morf tcepxe ot emoc ev'uoy eraf dekcap-noitca yzarc eht si tabmoC .scinahcem dna sevom fo tes wen lla na htiw ,oreN retcarahc niam wen ruo sgnirb seires yrC yaM liveD eht fo tnemllatsni txen ehT

finally..... a soulsborne game with no ridiculous boss run-ups
seriously i haven't noticed a single bad one at all that shit's great

the thunder + cutter combo gives kirby a badass double-sided beam saber. fucking sweet.

Gets a shit ton of flak - for good reason. The open world is used to minimal effect and the stage design effectively goes down the shitter because of it. A vast majority of the cast shares weapons with at least two other characters despite DW8's efforts to declone everybody. Now, what this game DOES have is a massive overhaul of the classic musou combat charge system into the new state combo system which, to be completely honest, feels fucking fantastic to play especially with some of the enchantments you get that increase attack speed and lets you cancel. Seriously the combat is probably my favorite of all the musou games I've played. I also quite like the way the story is handled, letting you pick a character and have them go through all the battles they canonically were there for - it gave a really nice sense of scale to the whole thing and the individual character endings are a nice touch. Unfortunately these great aspects are overshadowed by the mess of an open world they attempted to implement, though it does feel pretty comfy just wandering around on horseback. I still believe it's worth a play despite everything.

I have more memories getting extremely buttmad that I couldn't log in due to server capacity than I do actually playing the game. That being said, the times where I actually did manage to log in felt like i made it to fucking valhalla every time so that's something at least.

Just a fucking straight-up, no holds barred, honest-to-god JRPG in every sense of the word, exactly what the whole series is known for. Extremely comfy atmosphere and a great cast leads to a game that really does make you feel like you're on a grand adventure.

This game fucking blew me away on first playthrough, to the point that I might have even considered it the best in the series. After a while, though, it became clear that wasn't the case. While it definitely isn't the best, it's probably up there in the top three. In particular, the final villain is almost Disney-level ridiculous, even for Ace Attorney. Still one of the best the series has to offer for me, with some great new characters and massive development for Apollo, who's arguably gotten only the short end of the stick ever since he was introduced.

I impressed the SHIT out of my girlfriend playing this game because there are times where, when you do a super move, you have to hit a random combination of buttons in a row in order to execute the attack, and I just so happened to be able to do it extremely fast thanks to my god gamer skills. The only other thing I remember about this game is cheesing the shit out of the story mode with that one skill that lets you sleep your opponent to stunlock them infinitely. Good times.


You're going to give me some pleasure right