"erm elytra are actually the best way to travel🤓"
Hush up, let the thunder of hooves from thy horse upon cobblestone herald thy majestic passage, as thou traverse the realm upon thy horse bedecked in resplendent diamond armor. Truly, such a sight shall strike awe into the hearts of thy subjects and foes alike.

Basically more Cuphead which as I said is already completely fantastic. Definitely worth buying this DLC if you already like the base game.

Cuphead is easily within the top 10 best games I've ever played.
Absolutely stunning visuals. An incredible orchestrated soundtrack. But most importantly is a incredibly fun game play loop of learning attack patterns, figuring out what weapons to use and triumphing over bosses.


Cuphead is easily within the top 10 best games I've ever played.
Absolutely stunning visuals. An incredible orchestrated soundtrack. But most importantly is a incredibly fun game play loop of learning attack patterns, figuring out what weapons to use and triumphing over bosses.


The remastered version is yet again an incredible game which is no surprise in this collection. The controls for the vehicles, especially the bike and jet ski feel worse than on the PS1, but overall the game is still fantastic.

Also do not run into the frogs they will sexually assault you :(

I struggle to decide whether or not I like Crash 3 or Crash 2 more as a whole considering the PS1 version. However I think that Crash 2 is the best game specifically in the N. Sane Trilogy.
This game is just seriously incredible.
You could play either the remastered or original, you will still have fun.
Peak gameplay and level design.

pixel gun 3d but on pc, yippeee (with a few performance bugs and issues)
too bad the game is extremely fucking p2w now, but at least its on pc i guess.

guys i think theres a body in the forest
logan paul simulator

(Completed on both Playstation 4 and 100% on Steam)

Out of the trilogy, this one definitely needed the remake the most and it pays off. So many kinks and quirks are cleaned up and the game looks and plays great too. You could play the original one, however if you're going for 100% please play this version.

Stormy Ascent is also my favourite sadistic pleasure

greg makes my special place tingle

Played on PS4 in 2017 but decided to buy on steam and actually finish it this time.
The PC Port does have some framerate issues but can be fixed with some tweaking
Game is still peak as hell please either play this or at least play the originals

Phenomenal ass remaster I love this game so much
2017 was prime time boys
didn't finish crash 3 because i sucked at driving

its been 3 years since i last played it but i remember it giving me a brain tumor

we searched brazzers on the tablet