Nowadays I prefer platformers where the difficulty comes from complex levels and mastering a rich movement tech.

In Abe's Oddysee the puzzle part of puzzle-platformer feels satisfying today. Stiff controls and an extremely delayed running jump that seems to often just not happen, on the other hand, not so much. Like seriously, every fourth or fifth attempt ends with Abe sliding of the edge and falling to his death. Something as basic should not feel like a little victory whenever done successfully.

I still love the game - the world, story, cinematics, music and sound effects are all beautiful. The more deliberate, slower platforming is decent. But whenever things get faster, oh boy, it can suck so much.

This game makes me genuinely sad. I was having such a great time and it's already over.

First full playthrough in 2 hours. That's more like a demo.

Sometimes we pay real money for crap and sometimes, like in the case of Overclocked, we get a wonderful game for free.

Visually it's kind of low budget and the music sucks but the gameplay is fluid and very satisfying.

It's a 3D puzzle game and not a very good one. The story and world building can only by described as "SuperCringe", even though I hate that particular word passionately. Shit-tier memes. Another popular game that didn't live up to its name.

I used to suck at shmups when I was 8 years old. I still suck at them some 30 years later.

This game will always have a special place in my heart.

It's better than Gorbino's Quest

Who thought it was a good idea to make a game about skateboarding in the most soulless corporate visual style imaginable?

This is the first PC game I ever played. Still remember stabbing the prison guard in the back like it was yesterday.

Story is shit, gameplay is good. The combat is unfortunately a bit too simplistic and parrying is ridiculously OP.

I am very bad at shmups. I don't enjoy puzzles much. I didn't realize I needed a bullet hell puzzle game in my life.

I'd swear it used to be better. Stages #2 and #5 (top-down view) are crap. Cutting them out would make Contra III a much more enjoyable game. Still decent.

It's cozy and fun but only becuse of the dialogs/story. Extremely lightweight on the gameplay side.