It's a fun party game I've played with my cousins and friends on a couple of occasions but not something that I play by myself at all.

My parents bought me this game as a freshman in high school and it was one of the greatest I played. I loved getting lost in the world and exploring dungeons that albeit repetitive, sometimes contained amazing treasures. The soundtrack is iconic.

Mario Odyssey was one of the first games I played when I received my Nintendo Switch and at the time it was a fun, magical experience. The music was nice and the levels exciting but my tastes have changed recently so I don't see myself going back.

This game was extremely disappointing and besides the graphics and following Pokemon mechanics, it sucked. Gamefreak should never again make something like this.

I was a fan of the card system but got a bit boring so I ended up dropping it.

My dad agreed to buy this game for me during the start of the quarantine and it was amazing. It was the perfect game to lose myself in during those quiet games of captivity. The exploration was amazing and the NPCs were very loveable.

Much like Pokemon Eevee and most modern Pokemon, this was an extremely disappointing experience.

I played this game on many different systems for countless hours; it is a classic. Sadly, Mojang's current modus operandi leaves much to be desired in terms of content and how frequently it is added to the game. Nowadays, I do not play unless it is with mods.

When I was a child in Venezuela, my parents would often take me to "Los Chinos" a small store owned by Chinese immigrants that appeared to have everything in existence; everything including knock-off consoles. It was through one of these that I got to experience Super Mario Bros; the first game I have the memory of playing.

I bought this game in my Freshman year of high school due to the buzz made by all my veteran smash-player friends. I played it for like 3 years before I gave it up because I never got good but it was still fun... when it wasn't getting my ass beat.

I played it on my switch for a bit before I lost interest but I must say I was impressed by how intense the beginning was. It truly made you feel like a clone made to fight in the war.

There is nothing I can say about this game that hasn't been said already. Despite its outdated graphics and controls it is a masterpiece. I urge everyone to play through it at least once in their life.

Played for the waifus. It was okay.

I feel bad giving it such a low score but this game's themes did not hit me as much as I thought they would. The personality assessment I received was also kinda surface level, but I understand that I might have been expecting too much.

Might get back to it eventually, if not I'll drop it.