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Banger, 10/10 gameplay, challenging, makes you think and sit up, and satisfying once you have a good path, Solid story, loved both MCs even tho they hoed all their friends, side chars were hit or miss, but were good char development fodder. Art is stunning, best looking game I've played since battlEAfront 1, aesthetic of plant covered apocalypse w fungi zombies is peak, animation is amazing, character acting is perfect even during gameplay, glory kills are sick. Not overhyped, definitely peak gaming

Fun and unique, takes time to learn


Bad splatoon ape, horrid movement, bad balance.


fun combat and gameplay, decent levels, amazing music. hit every mark

Worst game/DLC I've played, boring at every moment

Outstanding combat, amazing enemy variety, great level design, amazing artstyle. Amazing game

Aight story with no major answers, but I like the mystery
Game play was fun, good progression, but all the unique bosses being side quests is an insane design decision. Setting and world design is amazing, level design and backtracking is good.

Both one of the most fun and most unfiun games I've played

Amazing loot, literally every gun looked and sounded amazing, first animated shaders, decently fun seasonal activity, great raid that was just straight up fun. Fun

Another banger, better than part 1