Combat is decently fun, but not enough enemy variety

Mediocre Mega man game that got inspired by some of the worst parts of the series. Why no sliding or charge shots??? Final boss sucks

Fun combat and great stealth. Story was compelling enough, but nothing special. Only 1 good boss, and the final boss felt like mostly a reskin.

Comedy got old kinda quick but every level made me laugh once
Gameplay was simple but pretty fun

Finally finished a game from childhood.

Enjoyable fun combat, if your ever struggling, just make sure you use all your options
Great soundtrack and amazing visual design

Gameplay was more streamlined but a bit worse than the last game, Traversal was better.
Once again love the story and writing

Strong RPG combat system
Decent traversal, but annoying sometimes
Amazing story and writing

Amazing action RPG, great boss fights, cool world

basically impossible to play without guides imo

basically every other game improves the formula in some way