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Ultr4 completed Metal Slug 6

2 days ago

Ultr4 backloggd Metal Slug 6

3 days ago

3 days ago

Ultr4 completed Everhood

3 days ago

Ultr4 reviewed Mighty Jill Off
cute and also it took me 15 minutes to beat so theres no reason to not play it lol

3 days ago

3 days ago

Ultr4 completed Dead Cells

3 days ago

3 days ago

Ultr4 completed No More Heroes

4 days ago

7 days ago

7 days ago

Ultr4 reviewed Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Just worse than the originals i think, also it has some INSANE slowdown, like some parts of the game just feel like youre underwater. The wily tower is cool but thats kinda the only reason to play it and its not even that good lol

7 days ago

7 days ago

10 days ago

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