6 reviews liked by Username6

Plug a 6 button controller into port 1, and have any controller plugged into port 2. Before you do anything, highlight Options.

Hold down Mode on controller 1, then Up and C on controller 2. Keep all these buttons held and enter the options menu with Start on controller 1.

If the menu says "OPTION" and not "OPTIONS", you did it right. You've activated 6 button mode, and you no longer have to get the spacing down to attack your enemies with melee attacks. You can just do it by pressing B, because shurikens are mapped to Y and Z.

You're welcome.

It's an alright platformer masked with some of the ugliest art style for a game I've seen. It's a pain playing it due to that.

games really DID peak when i was a child, huh

Peak, best hack and slash ever, super replayable