I don't even know where to begin with this review.
This game was RAGE inducing.
From the lack of checkpoints through missions, to terrible movement controls, to the "auto aim" feature.
Missions took way longer than they should've because of dying to stupid things. Like using double jump and the second button press not registering.
It's making me angry thinking back on it and I never wanna see the words "JAK II" ever again.

Holy fuck this game was AMAZING.
The story, the engine, and the gameplay were top tier!
This games rating was also boosted by the fact I experienced most of this game on the steam deck.
Absolutely gorgeous game and a story that ties all the characters together.
Will definitely be revisiting in the near future

It's Portal. It's fun. It's funny. Nothing else to say

This game came out after InFamous: Second Son but the story takes place prior to the events of that game.
Getting to learn the back story of Fetch and learning why she became the villian she was portrayed to be,
It was a short experience but a fun one none the less!
Good series of games.

I don't even know where to begin with this game.
It was on sale so i bought it. No real tutorial so you kinda just gotta wing it. Story was slightly confusing to follow but it was a short title.
I'll save you some time, if you see this game come across your feed, just keep moving. LOL

My first complete tomb raider game was shadow of the tomb raider. This game is about 5 years older than shadow but the graphics were almost identical and were absolutely amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and would play again and again.

A game that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.
A really enjoyable survival horror. Another game I played back when it released but I wasn't a fan of horror games back then.
Playing through the chapters and just enjoying the story.
NGL game had some pretty fucked up stuff in it but boy was it awesome.
Highly recommend for all survival horror fans.

Realized that this is actual the sequel to Sands of Time instead of the final game in the trilogy.
So glad I am done with this series, never again.
Refer to my reviews of the other 2 they are on par.

Really wish I could've played this on the gamecube but the switch port was good enough.
Cute and adorable game that really tested my critical thinking and time management skills.
I got the bad ending out of the 3 possible endings. Can see myself doing more runs possibly speed runs.

Another amazing game.
Leaps and bounds better than the first .
Story and graphics were amazing and I really enjoyed this game.
Highly recommend the series.

What a good game. Thoroughly enjoyed this title.
Combat was smooth, graphics were phenomenal, and story was engaging.
Will definitely go back and play NG+ with side missions and DLC.

It's a LEGO game.
It's Star Wars.
What more do you want? Can't go wrong with it!

Played this game on release when I first got my PS4. Loved it then, loved it now. Got to take the bad karma route for the story and would play it for a third time to try and platinum it in the near future.
Gonna go back and play the original InFamous titles just to get the whole experience.

First experience with a SplinterCell game. Can say I was not disappointed and enjoyed my play through. Short game but fun mechanics and decent graphics by todays standards for a 10 year old game.
Would definitely do another play through again on a harder difficulty.