This my friends is a hidden gem right here. You won't understand unless you were able to play the online multiplayer back in the day. I was lucky enough to do so!

It has the absolute best motion controls in ANY Wii game. This is not a debate. You can literally customize every single button, every single motion and gesture, however you want. The control settings are infinite. You can create your ideal perfect control setup.

And keep in mind, this is the ONLY COD game where every single player had to use Wii Remote and Nunchuck. So multiplayer was very slow paced, actually using team work and covering each other. Hands down the most unique cod experience you could have.

The single player is iconic for its story, but performance wise it sucks. So it gets a point off for that.

You sadly cannot play online anymore, but I am thankful to have been able to do so, because it was special and fun.

This is a game with a really rough port, that still manages to be great in its own right.

The Wii version is pretty bad. Control wise it is actually very smooth and easy to play. But the quality of the port is low. Awful framerate, low textures, tons of pop in. Also had cut multiplayer and another level removed. A shame.

Don't let this take away from this incredible single player experience. It is so visceral and brutal and will actually make you feel unnerved and tense. The sound design is magnificent. The music is amazing. Memorable characters. Lots of unforgettable levels.

Is it a great game? Yes! But only get it on Wii as your last option. Any other version is better.

Actually... the PS2 version is way worse. So that's something.

Let's get these out of the way...

The Wii versions of the COD games are a mixed bag. Some are brilliant uses of the controls, some are just gimmicky messes. This is sadly the latter

Had no multiplayer included. Cut I believe one or two levels. Ugly visuals. Controls are wonky. The rowing section in particular is meant to be 30 seconds but took me about 20 minutes due to my inputs not being registered.

It is a decent enough game for old school Cod, but this is not the way to play it. Get it on any other system.

Rating on here is waaaay too low. To this day I always regretted never getting the bongos.

I never appreciated this game until I got older. It has such a random and weird collection of tunes, but in terms of mechanics and content it is such a pleasant experience anyways. And also come on, how can a game like this that has All Star not be good? It is a match made in heaven!

I would love to play the first game some day to compare, but this is a great game on its own right. Def try it with bongos if possible.

It is a sufficient collection of the old monkey ball content. It's not amazing, but it gets the job done and has a lot to offer. Great for newer players who can't afford the expensive OG copies.

BUT, they ruined Target and I will never forgive them. So it gets a lot of points taken off. The new music also sucks.

This game feels accidentally amazing. Like how can something be so incredible on purpose.

I do not own the first game but have played it before. This makes the first game look like a waste of time. Has double the content, more courses, a story mode, you name it.

This is a hard SOB, especially on the later levels, but the gameplay is so enganging and the physics give you a lot of room to explore and find ways to cheese it.

Not every party game is great, but a majority are, and they can all be played with other people.

Shoutout to Dogfighting. And Target 2 is just heavenly. I could play that mode forever.

This is all probably helped by the incredible soundtrack. They all take me back to a happy place.

Just so incredible all around, in every way. Even for an old GameCube game the visuals are just gorgeous.

Must play.

I have been mixed on this game for many years since I initially played it. And reasonably so, because it has a very unintuitive and odd way of telling the story, even more than last time. Only being able to see one side of a conversation at any given time means there's a lot of dead air, silence. It can get very awkward. This wouldn't be an issue if we just had an option in game to see the convo side by side once we have both perspectives. Also, having to to rewind all the way to the start is so slow and tedious.

Ok so it is not nearly as good as Her Story. Yet on a rewatch and revisit, I was just floored by the performances from the 4 leads. This is honestly some of the best work any of them have ever done. The direction and their acting and chemistry is just electric. And there is actually so much going on with every character. Logan Marshall Green's character in particular will make you feel many many many emotions, most... negative, but the character is extremely complex. Everyone feels very lively and authentic. They get absorbed into the roles. This really helps since the story this time is not great. It has a lot of moving parts but the pace of it is iffy. It maintains the mystery no matter which part of the story you experience first, but it is not as cohesive or enganging.

Anyways that all said, the actors really do the heavy lifting here. The game would be pretty bad without them, but they help to make it a solid experience in the end.

Utter brilliance compiled into such a small scale game. You get an actress who is only known for her music and yet the performance on display is career defining.

The premise and mechanics are bizarre on paper yet work perfectly and create one of the most unique gaming experiences of all time: a story that can be viewed in basically any order, and it maintains the mystery despite that. How many games do you know where you can start at any point and still have a great experience?

This is a must play if you have any love for mysteries.

Anyone who tells you this is not the best Mario Kart are lying to you. This game is lightning in a bottle. They had some genius at Nintendo go "what if 2 players controlled the cart at the same time" and ran with it.

The only gripe is that there are not many tracks. But it is an old game and the roster is big to make up for it. Not to mention battle mode, which to this day they have been unable to make as good in any future title.

This is the first video game I ever played. What a high bar to start with eh? Awesome game.

Overall this is the weakest out of all the Operation Rainfall games, but still great in its own right. It has stunning visuals, great music, cool dungeons, the monster design is great. And the story overall is compelling, with you feeling connected to Elena and her plight.

It has dating sim esque mechanics with her, but they are welcome and help you care about her more.

For whatever reason, every physical version of the game is just hard coded with a game breaking bug. The last 2 dungeons frequently crash the game and you must access them by doing very specific things, like sleeping or entering through another dungeon. It dosent crash only if you do it in a certain way. Big issue since it nearly ruins saves files. Keep in mind I got a new copy as well and it had this problem..

It is also fairly repetitive. Once you do like 4 duengons it is a pretty one note experience.

Still, hard not to like this. It was great for one playthrough. If you love last story and Xenoblade there is a lot to like here.

Let's get the bad out of the way, because there is hardly any and they are on the technical side. Switch version is not great. Lots of crashing. It also heats up really fast and the fan is very loud for whatever reason.

That's it. Just incredible game otherwise. Near perfect. Don't look anything up. It is so special and so heavy. It has a perfect mix of levity and drama.

Must play.

It still holds up, but has a lot of issues.

It is surprisingly difficult for a children's game. The checkpoints are forgiving but there is a lot of precise jumps and platforming in many areas. The controls can be stiff. The time challenges in particular are frustrating.

Content wise the game is pretty solid. You have tons of minigames and modes, like the ball rolling, Patrick platforming sections, etc, there is driving in the Patty Wagon and the slide levels. Theres lots of unlocks, costumes, artwork, you name it. It is somewhat similar to Metroid where you want to go back and revisit old areas with the new abilities you get to find more unlocks and tokens

The token system in general is annoying. Locking the main story behind grinding these out. But it was never that hard to get them, just took some time.

Presentation wise, it dosent feel like the movie all the time, but for the most part they got a lot of the locations down. Lots of new enemies designed for the game.

The soundtrack alone gives this game a bonus point. I don't know why they went so hard on the tunes, but they are still great listens even today.

It's a solid platformer with a lot to like despite it's flaws

A near perfect set of games to me. It is impossible for me to hate these games. So many positives to go through...

To start, presentation wise this game is a knockout. The character models, art direction, the setting, it all feels familiar yet mature. Normally for dialogue heavy games, voice acting would be welcome but I actually appreciate that there isn't much of it, lets you come up with the voices yourself. Just from looking at the character you get a good idea of what they're like.

THE MUSIC IS IMMACULATE. Austin Withrop? Hopefully I spelled that right, his composition is just a delight to listen to. There's so much variety too. In battles you have your heavy drums, loud clangs, thunderous trumpets. Very LOTR esque. Theres tons of mellow and somber tunes as well!

The story is just so creative, so unique and so enganging. It is a very stressful experience, but intentionally so. You always feel like you're on the run, always moving, always fighting, always making tough choices. And ALL your choices matter. Characters can die suddenly with no warning from one wrong decision. I think this game really captured the desperation and unnerving feeling it was going for.

Yet the characters are still very likeable. The dialogue is written very well, with great banter, lore, and just engaging conflicts. Some characters do get sidelined for sure, but with how big the roster is, it's not like that is expected.

I have to be fair and say these games are not perfect: first of all the quality of all 3 games varies. 1 is all around the most consistent, 2 is my personal favorite, it is the longest and has the most variety in chapters. But it also has lots of tedious moments.

3 on paper should work great, an amalgamation of all your choices condensed into one final push for survival. But the game actually punishes you by playing TOO well: you basically miss out on half of this game if you made too many right choices. It's backwards game design, locking away more content behind you messing up. I have playtested this and confirmed you can literally skip half of 3 if you know what you're doing.

Gameplay wise, I have always found it fun. On Switch there are issues on top of existing ones. Navigating the hud is wonky, and there are some visual bugs on switch as well. In general, the turn based combat is meant to be challenging, but not everything is clear and coherent all the time. But I think most of its issues are excusable.

It is so shy and so close to perfection for me. I can't reccomend it enough. I had a really
Special time with this series and I will keep revisiting it for many more years!


This is a gold mine of content as a child. Even now, I was impressed by the quality of it. Especially for a random flash game. It has a super varied roster, everyone offers unique playstyles. It had story modes for each character

But the presentation stole the show. The character sprites were lively with really smooth animation. And the martial arts style fits gameplay perfectly.

The music is also just fantastic even today.

This is a REALLY special flash game that you should get your hands on if possible. I don't want this gem to be forgotten.


A far cry from what made the original games good. It has some of the same voice acting and the music does the heavy lifting. But the gameplay lacks impact, the story is generic now. The presentation overall is just flat and lifeless (pun intended)

Only check this out if you like the old games.