Basically better than IV in almost every way. I love this game, and I already liked IV a lot.

It's not my favorite in the series but it's up there, I don't really understand or agree with the complaints some peopel have about the story, if I have to hear people complain about how the characters are bad and about the Power of Friendship trope again I'm going to get an aneurysm.

And yes you need to play IV first to completely understand this one since it's kinda like a sequel and also a "what if" scenario. Anyway, I really really like this game, it's almost 5 stars but not quite. (EDIT: After thinking a lot about this game after weeks of finishing it, it does deseves 5 stars. Honstly it's on my top 5 SMT games)

I enjoy hard RPGs and even grindy ones a lot, but this one is so hard and grindy that not even I can enjoy it, which I suppose it's an accomplishment.

The battle graphics which make use of mode 7 are pretty great though.

In my opinion the best game in the Phantasy Star series. It polished all the best aspects of the earlier entries and the presentation (using manga like panels to tell the story, like some kind of early, 16-bit cutscenes) is superb. The story wraps up a lot of what PhS1 started and even though it's not necessary to play previous entries to understand this one, it certainly enhances the exprience and resolution.

The combat system is pure, traditional turn based and your party has a maximum of 5 party members. One thing I love is that you can create macros for each party member, so you can set up a series of combos for each character to use each turn, it's fun.

I'd say the only negative is that the pacing is wonky, the story feels aimless during the latter half, which is a shame.

Still immensely fun JRPG that I highly recommend.

I already played the original version and this is definitely a Definitive version. The original already felt complete and full, but nothing they added feels out of place

I'm doing the post-game now, which is great.

I watched the cutscenes on youtube because I hated the gameplay

This game has a great story with some of my favorite character writing in the series so far. It also has an awful mission structure, horribly designed bosses and enemies (emphasis on horrible), and it kinda feels like ass to play. Also the panel system sucks a lot.

Maybe it shouldn't have been on the fucking DS.

I really love the story and the different perspectives of the characters.

I wish air combat felt good though. Otherwise I like it, the command deck is fun honestly.

It's extrmely kino but Mickey and Riku did not kiss so I don't recommend it.

The first shmup in the series and the second overall, and it's a good shmup! Really good enemy patterns and bosses, I can't belive ZUN nailed it so early into the series considering not that many people talk about the PC-98 era. Albeit the game can be a bit rough in places.

It probably only gets better after here from what I played.

This might be the most agressively mediocre JRPG I've ever played. It feels like what people who hate JRPGs think every game in the genre is like

Kind of a Strider clone that is actually better than Strider.

Finished with the true neutral ending



It's ok. Kinda feels like a set up game for what is to come and also to answer some questions that were still in the air.

None of the bosses are good and the pacing was kinda wack, all the expository dialogue is in the last 2 hours. Still, I had fun messing around with the combat and I thought the story was satisfying enough.