One of the best action games on the PS2 and the best Shinobi game, in my opinion.

Conceptually this game is very appealing and I think I would like it if it wasn't because the constant rotation and color changing legitimately hurts my eyes, I end up with a headache and can't play for long. Sorry.

I hate that this is fucking great because we will never see a season 2.

I enjoy hard RPGs and even grindy ones a lot, but this one is so hard and grindy that not even I can enjoy it, which I suppose it's an accomplishment.

The battle graphics which make use of mode 7 are pretty great though.

You can finish it in less than 30 minutes but they're really charming and good 30 minutes.

Obviously very simple even by Kirby standards, but still a solid ride.

I feel like instead of improving Mario 64 they tried to do something a little different and I think in the end, it kinda sucks. The structure is much less open and the levels less interesting. I'll say Mario feels very good to control on a fundamental level though.

And I'm not a fan of the tropical setting and every level is "connected" thematically so they all share that kind of setting in one way or another so lol. Not for me so I couldn't finish it.

I can't believe this game is actually pretty decent. It's essentially an arcadey twin sick shooter where you navigate a series of mazes and instead of a life meter you have... time. If you get hit your time goes down. Luckily there's stuff everywhere to replenish it.

The final Area and final boss are a pain in the ass but otherwise I think it's pretty manageable, you can beat it in about an hour. Probably less if you know what you're doing.

I wanted to make a joke about this being "the real shin megami tensei game" but I got nothing.

It's a really cool arcade game, really really hard but also short. The thing is to learn the stages. Movement is fun, if a bit floaty. I'd recommend it

A good remaster of a classic game. It had a lot of problems at launch but most of them have been patched since then and now this is probably the best and most accessible way to play Blood.

Probably the best Animal Crossing game? Probably. I still have a soft spot for Wild World and New Leaf but everything it ads makes it the best in my opinion.

Just a really fun game to spend a few hour a day... more hours than I would like to admit

I already played the original version and this is definitely a Definitive version. The original already felt complete and full, but nothing they added feels out of place

I'm doing the post-game now, which is great.

Excellent shmup, probably one of the best for the console and I think I like it more than the much more beloved Thunder Force IV.