All around really good game. The combat system is fun and the story is emotional, it knows how to reach your feelings, at least it worked very well with me.

For years I heard a lot people say that "this is the point where the series gets too pretentious and serious for its own good" and I have to say, now that I played it, those people are cowards and boring.

Some abilities like dodge roll being tied to Forms sucks major ass though, whoever thought that was a good idea is dumb.

I watched the cutscenes on youtube because I hated the gameplay

This game has a great story with some of my favorite character writing in the series so far. It also has an awful mission structure, horribly designed bosses and enemies (emphasis on horrible), and it kinda feels like ass to play. Also the panel system sucks a lot.

Maybe it shouldn't have been on the fucking DS.

I really love the story and the different perspectives of the characters.

I wish air combat felt good though. Otherwise I like it, the command deck is fun honestly.

It's ok. Kinda feels like a set up game for what is to come and also to answer some questions that were still in the air.

None of the bosses are good and the pacing was kinda wack, all the expository dialogue is in the last 2 hours. Still, I had fun messing around with the combat and I thought the story was satisfying enough.

A decent epilogue to BBS and also serves as a prologue to KH3

It's really short but it's ok

It's extrmely kino but Mickey and Riku did not kiss so I don't recommend it.

Just an extremely solid SRPG

Most maps are excellently designed and the story is pretty decent. Ike learns that racism is bad.

this game is just Budokai 3 but worse and with terrible minigames.

The first shmup in the series and the second overall, and it's a good shmup! Really good enemy patterns and bosses, I can't belive ZUN nailed it so early into the series considering not that many people talk about the PC-98 era. Albeit the game can be a bit rough in places.

It probably only gets better after here from what I played.

The first one and it shows.

A legenday on rails shoot em up that still stands the test of time with one of my favorite sountracks of the era.

My only real complaint is boss variety.

this game is kinda rough. The checkpoint system really fucking sucks and vehicles never ever feel good to control

Still, it's a good game and that's reflected on my rating, it has some weird pacing and the issues I already mentioned but it's fun and has some incredible aesthetics and concepts.

Ok so, I thought the first game was only decent, a neat concept that ultimately left me a little underwhelmed, yet I still could recognize that it is a good game. I wanted more story and more varied puzzles.

Portal 2 is that and A LOT more than what I wanted. This game is so insanely well paced, well written and has such a good atmosphere, it hooked me during the first 10 minutes of gameplay. Everything from the dialogue, to the puzzle design, to the visual storytelling are just incredible and I can't think of many games that are like it, except... Portal 1 of course. I wasn't expecting for the story to actually hit me emotionally like this and I think I'll be thinking about this game for a long time.

Just excellent and I can't recommend it enough.