I play this game every Halloween, its short but something that i enjoy

Probably my favorite RPG of all time, the story and gameplay was just so good, if you have the time this is the game i recommend the most

good port but i had covid when it came out so i never came back to it

I wished they kept updating this game cause i loved it and played so much of it until i did like everything i wanted and could do

Favorite rougelike possibly

soundtrack is like crack to me :)

Rivals my spot for #1 rpg vs Dragon quest 11

my favorite halo campaign and gameplay wise

and forge :)

As one of my first experiences with "traditional zelda" it was a good point to enter the franchise

As one of my first experiences with "traditional zelda" it was a good point to enter the franchise

I started this game late in 2021, the climb to do high level quests was something i got bored of, but still did

iceborne was a fun experience though 4/5


Better way to play 3d world and even better bowsers fury