Where RFoM was a unique, WW2 styled shooter featuring an alien invasion, R2 was more tooled to be just like Halo. Some people liked it, and the new guns were nice to be sure, but I felt it was a step in the wrong direction.

Mirror's Edge was a unique First Person Parkour adventure platformer, designed solely around going fast. Literally a game geared towards speedrunning. Visually still holds up well due to the smart art direction.

While not the blockbuster multiplayer hit that CoD4 was, I love WaW just the same for its incredibly paced campaign and the introduction of the Zombies survival mode. Many hours were lost to Zombies and its great DLC maps.

While Undercover was no Most Wanted or Burnout Paradise, it was a solid open world entry in the NFS series. They still had a little bit of the magic.

I'm more of a Killing Floor man myself, but the linear level design with objectives to achieve before you can escape is an experience that isn't provided by many other games.

Among the people who have actually played this, I think its actually a little overrated, but there's something charming about a FMV/live-action VN. Goofy characters and scenarios, I'd still recommend this if this sort of thing is up your alley.

Definitely a step down from the masterpiece that was the first game, but still pretty solid. A lot less scary, insane ending.

Extremely chill game. Though they had made Flow before and it did relatively well, I think this game really put people's attention on thatgamecompany.

Very weird and strange with a neat community gimmick. Charming as hell.

It's a shame that there was so much controversy surrounding this game's E3 trailer that it became famous for it, because I genuinely thought it was fantastic. Cool action campaign and incredible multiplayer.

The game that got me into the Yakuza series, though ultimately it ended up being the weakest one. Still, I did enjoy the Okinawa segments and thought the orphanage stuff was nice.

The real height of Will Arnett's career. I traded in Need for Speed Undercover to get this game and that was a poor tradeoff.

Outstanding in both single player and co-op. Filled with dumb action and boulder punching forever left its mark on the series. Genuinely adore RE5.

Really did not expect to love a handheld GTA spinoff so muich, but Chinatown Wars was like crack during the time I spent playing it.

Cute little top down arcade type game where you fight off hordes of zombies. I remember it was promoted pretty heavily in Playstation Home.