Very stupid combat system but Zach Fair is maybe my favourite Final Fantasy character with a story to back it up. Eternally GACKT'd.

Revolutionary FPS at the time, and it was great fun to play for sure (they finally made the flood tolerable too), but it was not the same step up that Halo 2 was for me so it doesn't stand out as much in my mind.

Never Ever: Episode Two

Honestly, it was pretty good but absolutely insane that it ended the way it did and it was what we were left with for so long.

Portal was probably the start of my love for puzzle games. It got memed to hell and back until it was buried, but I bet it's still genuinely worth playing through.

Does not hold a candle to the PS2 games but at the time the graphics blew me away, it looked like a Pixar movie. Pretty impressive for a launch year PS3 game.

Phenomenal soundtrack and my entry into the music game genre. I could only ever go as high as medium in GH3, but I still think about those fantastic boss battles. Rock Band could've used more of that.

My favourite 3D Mario game until 2017. Shame it copied Ratchet and Clank though :^)

Call of Duty was always pretty popular and heavily marketed, but this is where it REALLY started. Great online play, VERY good campaign with some real standout levels like Ghilles in the Mist, and probably the first game I played in HD. Will always love CoD4.

Another game that was memed to hell and back, but actually stood on its own two feet as more than just a tech demo. Gorgeous, fun to play, and MAXIMUM

While it definitely doesn't hold up all that well these days, it was really impressive and captivating. Nathan Drake felt like the start of Sony's obsession with "movie games" (for better or for worse).

How to use your wii zapper: zelda edition

man i don't even remember any games i had that used it

My absolute favourite MK game, no others came close. The courses, balloon battle, the multiplayer (it even had online!), just incredible.

While it wasn't quite as good as GH3 which launched just a month before it, the novelty of having four instruments playable in co-op changed the music game genre irreversibly.

Although I consider it to be the weakest of the trilogy (yes, even moreso than 3), it was definitely serviceable and served as a setup to the godly ME2.