One of the finest JRPG's I have ever had the joy of playing. A direct sequel to Sky FC, the story goes in hard and the music backs it right up with MANY of the best battle and dungeon themes I've ever heard. If you like turn-based JRPGs you OWE it to yourself to give this series a shot.

Played the hell out of this on DS, just a really solid entry in the series.

For the longest time, in my mind this game WAS the Hitman series. Not a single bad level and nice progression and incentive to SA levels. Fantastic finale.

Aesthetically, CoH is certainly my favourite RTS game. Of course it doesn't really hold a candle to AoE2, but I'll always get hype for CoH.

Hours and hours were lost to this game as a child, I can't even remember how I came across it. I'll probably never get tired of building walls.

Good lord what a wild ride this game is. Shinji Mikami was off his rocker when he made this. Maybe one of the hardest games I have ever completed and definitely one of the most over the top. Sad to think we might not ever see a build-a-combo game like this ever again.

Pearl is peak Pokemon, right up there with Sapphire for me. The series lost its magic for me after I dumped hundreds of hours into this, but it was fun while it lasted.

The popularization of over the shoulder cover-based shooters started here. For better or worse it left its mark on the industry, but it was pretty fun to blast through with a friend. The lancer is pretty cool.

While it's definitely fair to say RFoM is a bit bland, I think it had a really cool aesthetic. The near sepia tone colour palette to match the WW2 setting as you fight off the alien invasion was pretty amazing. I'd love to see Insomniac give this series another shot someday.

Damn near perfect as a first entry, not a single bad case. Stellar music and finale + epilogue.

Really wasn't crazy about JfA. Franziska doesn't hold a candle to Edgeworth, and I'd say the last case is the only really good one. Music took a major hit too.

Incredible return to form. Outshines its predecessor and even AA1 in nearly every way. Godot steals the show and there's a lot of great cases in this one.