I played the GBA version which I imagine was wildly different from the console versions. Still, I remember it was pretty alright!

A masterpiece ahead of its time. Somehow still pretty scary despite you playing as basically a super soldier. Enemy AI famously holds up and impresses, and area designs made me feel like I was playing Die Hard at times. Highly recommend for fans of FPS and Horror.

I have fond memories playing this game and the ability to record your own sound effects for wiping out and doing cool tricks and hearing them played back to you in crushed audio quality was a fun gimmick. Never did play the console counterpart but I bet it wasn't as vibrant as this.

While it doesn't quite live up to its predecessor, Deadlocked is the best you can expect from a battle arena focused game. Might've been a much bigger hit if it released after the PS2 when online multiplayer began to take off.

It's just a tech demo, nothing to see here.

A strange and funny sequel/spin-off to FSN, filled with some great moments. Bazett is hype.

THE racing game. NFS will never hit this height again (although they have certainly tried). Cheesy FMV cutscenes have also not gotten this good again. I AM ROCK

Another pretty amazing horror FPS. Take FEAR and replace the super soldier main character fighting other super soldiers with hobos and hobo weapons and you've got Condemned.

The outstanding follow-up to KH1 and CoM. The introduction of Organization XIII sends this series off the rails in the best ways, and the gameplay is a massive improvement over the original. The ride truly began here.

Really didn't care for the card game restricting the KH2 gameplay, I probably would've ended up liking the GBA release more. Castle of Oblivion is pretty dope though.

Probably my favourite of the handheld KH games. Terra, Ventus, and Aqua are a fun cast of main characters and you get some sick boss fights.

Some neat new worlds and Flowmotion really speeds up the gameplay at times. Was not as much of a fan of the summons but it was a nice entry.

At the time it was a great peak at what KH3 was going to play as, and it was nice to play as Aqua again. Pretty short, but enjoyable.