I don't care if this is cutscene simulator because this game goes hard in wrapping up this monumental series and pulls it off with every conceivable detail you could think of. From a gameplay standpoint, the OctoCamo was a pretty cool addition as well as the Mk.II, and the level designs were really outstanding. Full of fanservice of the best kind.

A very different tone from the rest of the Battlefield series, Bad Company was a lot more light-hearted in the campaign and the destruction system was unmatched. Criminal that this game never came to PC.

It was an alright themed music game, but weirdly didn't consist only of Aerosmith songs? If I was more of an Aerosmith fan, maybe I would have liked it more.


From my understanding, you could call Braid one of the games that really kickstarted the modern indie scene we have today. Really cool time reversal mechanic and a neat story.

Again, not quite the follow up I was hoping for. Though it was more of a short downloadable title and the pirate aesthetic was fun, it does not hit the series' PS2 heights either.

While I definitely enjoyed my time with it playing with friends, and it's certainly a Newgrounds classic, I don't actually think the gameplay is much to write home about. There are a lot of better beat 'em ups.

Outstanding, the best in the series. No covers, full band customization and tour mechanics, and infinite DLC support. The whole 9 yards.

The triumphant return of Mega Man. Though it did away with a lot of things I liked about 8, it had a lot of cool stages and bosses.

For some this is the peak of the series and its easy to see why. The atmosphere and tone are closer to its predecessor with a fair bit of goofiness, but still grounded in the reality of the Saints as a rising street gang. Gameplay is a bit jank but still pretty solid game.

As I recall this was literally a short movie game they threw up on PSN with trophies. Don't judge me.

Spectacular survival horror game that took elements of all of the classics to make something refined and special. While the Plasma Cutter will always be THE best, there were plenty of cool weapons like the ripper and the line gun, and the dismemberment was genuinely impressive.

Really amazing turn-based RPG from the studio who would later give us Dead Space. Covers some iconic moments from the film adaptations. I remember it being pretty challenging, I'd love to play it again someday.

Will probably remain my favourite Far Cry game. The oppressive setting and atmosphere, the difficulty, the attention to detail, the MALARIA. Absolutely massive too for its time. Really would love to see a Far Cry game as gritty as this again someday, but I doubt it.

Really novel concept from MediaMolecule. I never really cared for the platforming in LBP because of how floaty it felt, but the whole level creator and sharing was where it really shined.

I lost count of how many times I played through Fallout 3. There was even a time where I had all of Three Dog's lines memorized. The capital wasteland might not be a joy to look at, but the things to see and do eclipsed Oblivion.