10 reviews liked by Violet_Aster

Honestly, this game lost my interest about 2 hours in. The dungeons all felt the same and most of the enemies weren't very interesting mechanically. I can see how some people might enjoy the chill and silly story/atmosphere but there wasn't enough there to keep me interested.

I'm a huge Inti Creates fan, and I really like everything about this game, but man is the balance for solo play terrible. Everything is 2-3x as spongy as it needs to be, which makes some of the later missions just boring to play.

"Monster Hunter" meets "beat-'em-up RPG" with IntiCreates spritework. Interesting, but the single-player is lacking and the multi-player is dead, partly due to its pricey release scheme. I wish it'd taken off, it had potential.

It's already been worn to death here, so I'm just gonna lay it down quickly.

2nd best gameplay and maps in the series (to Fates Conquest, of course 😏), coupled with one of the most underwhelming plots in FE history. At least it's funny though, so if you're irony-poisoned like I am, you'll most definitely enjoy its campiness.

I should at least mention that this game's cast of characters are way too fucking hilarious. What they lack in depth, they make up for it in spades with charm.

Play on Hard Mode first, and if that gets too easy - don't be afraid to drop that playthrough halfway through and play on Maddening - trust me, it's the best way to enjoy this game's varied systems.

thank you tatsuya izumi for kickstarting an entire decade's worth of witch suffering with this game

(TWATHK isn't particularly good, but you can't actually convince me that most game journos actually finished it - or even played it past that mice scene - before reviewing it. truly, master lia's game was doomed before it even released.)

This is seans favorite game of all time!