Brilliant sequel to the GOAT. Dark, disturbing, melancholy. I could never finish it because I didn't like the time limit and journal system but I revisited it in the superior 3D re-release.

Pretty fun MOBA style game. A bit clunky with very simple gameplay and an overabundance of menu icons and all that junk but it's to be expected from a free-to-play game. Quite enjoying it on the Switch, I must say.

Quite simply, the greatest video game ever created.
A near-flawless masterpiece of ingenius dungeon and world design, an epic story, pioneering mechanics, unforgettable soundtrack, exciting combat and boss fights and technically impressive for it's time. The mere thought of it sends me into a nostalgic trip through paradise to better days as an 11 year old who felt like he was on the quest of a lifetime.

Spectacular and incredibly well constructed game with pioneering mechanics, incredible world building and design and an intriguing story.
My only main gripe is that the overworld and combat is largely the same as Breath of the Wild, which was a breath of fresh air at the time. This feels like a glorified expansion pack in comparison to other Zelda entries.

I managed to get my revenge on this game and completed it on the 3DS.

More of the same as the first game which means technically extremely impressive graphics and use of sound, fun yet simple combat mechanics, clever optical illusion puzzles, but a bit of a slog, often boring, and the story and voices are now a chore rather than pioneering and revelatory as the first time round.

Soulsborne type games are not really for me, which is a shame as I absolutely love the art style, world design, lore and combat. Maybe I just suck, but they are just far too challenging and time consuming for me to enjoy.

Back to basics AC game set in my home city! Loved the atmosphere, the setting and the soundtrack. Nice to have the whole voice track dubbed in Arabic too. Gameplay is fairly good but the combat is poor. The story is alright and the protagonist interesting, but the plot sort of fizzles out by the climax where the twist isn't as well executed as they would have liked.

Fun and brutal. I like the story but I'm not too keen on some of the character redesigns and movesets now, as I had gotten used to MK11 and XL before that. I don't like the Kameo system either but it's still a fun button masher with scope to play like a pro. Plenty of modes too but the board game style one is a bit naff.